WORLD: The Gospel for the Deaf

Source: OM NewsBytes, June/July 2013

[More than] 35 million people worldwide are officially Deaf, and, tragically, about half of the cases could be prevented. The Deaf [may be] the fourth largest people group in the world who are unreached with the Gospel.

Deaf Ministries International works in 20 countries in Asia, Africa, South America, and the Middle East, helping to establish resources and facilities to bring the message of Christ and aid to Deaf people. Projects include schools and dormitories for Deaf children in the Philippines and Africa, sewing workshops for Deaf women in Burundi and Kenya, Deaf camps in Myanmar, and Deaf churches in Korea.

DOOR International is another ministry dedicated to the training of Deaf leaders and the establishing of indigenous Deaf churches.

» More NewsBytes.

See also: Will the World’s First Deaf Church Come from Japan? (Christianity Today).

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