North America: Deaf Missions to Release a Feature-Length Jesus Film in ASL

Source: Crosswalk, May 23, 2024

Deaf Missions, a ministry dedicated to serving people who are Deaf, is releasing the first-ever feature film presented completely in American Sign Language (ASL). The film, set to release June 20, is directed by Joseph D. Josselyn and stars Gideon Firl, both of whom are Deaf.

“Growing up in a Christian family, I watched many films about Jesus. But I always wondered, what if these movies were in sign language?” Josselyn told The Christian Post through an interpreter. “After joining Deaf Missions in 2006, the idea began to take shape, though it seemed daunting at the time due to the scale of production, technology and funding required.”

“We initially created a film adaptation of the book of Job, which gave us the experience we needed. We felt ready to pursue a larger project,” he added.

JESUS: A Deaf Missions Film will highlight key moments from the life of Jesus, including his miracles, his power and his challenges to the religious leaders of the day amid high tension under Roman rule in Judea.

Read the full story or watch the trailer. Looks great. Deaf audiences gave it rave reviews in pre-release showings (Mission Network News). Only two percent of the 70 million Deaf know and follow Christ. 

You might also be interested in learning about the first dyslexia-friendly Bible (United Bible Society).

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