India: Results From the World’s Biggest Election

Sources: Various

Results of India’s national elections, which stretched over a six-week period, were announced on Tuesday, June 4. By the time you get this edition of News Briefs, commentaries may be showing up in many news sources. See India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results (Christianity Today) and India’s Religious Nationalism (WORLD), among others.

Prime Minister Modi is claiming victory but not in the landslide some expected. As a result, the BJP, which has been in power since 2014, lost outright majority in the parliament for the first time in a decade and will need to secure the support of allies to form a government.

Let’s pray for India and its people, especially those who are part of religious minorities, in the months and years to come.

You might be interested in a new PBS documentary, America’s First Guru. It chronicles the impact of Swami Vivekananda visit to the first Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893. Also watch the testimony of Sandeep, who grew up in India as a devout Hindu Brahmin but left that identity behind to follow Jesus (Cultish Show, YouTube).

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