BAHRAIN: Beacon Bookshop

Beacon Bookshop

Source: United Bible Societies, May 15, 2013

Christians in northwest Bahrain have easier access to Bibles and other Christian resources thanks to the opening, earlier this month, of a new Bible resource center.

The new center is called Beacon Bookshop and aims to serve Christians from all walks of life and speaking a variety of languages. More than 40 percent of people in Bahrain are migrant workers [who] account for most of the country’s nine percent Christian population.

“The purpose of Beacon Bookshop is to gossip the gospel,” smiles Adriana, an expatriate from Holland, who volunteers at the new center. Adriana’s sentiment resonates with Hrayr Jebejian, who leads the Bible Society in the Gulf.

“Adriana is absolutely right,” Hrayr Jebejian comments. “This kind of gossip does not harm people but brings them close to Jesus. This new center’s purpose is to be a true beacon to the community, sharing the breath and light of God so that people can experience a life-giving relationship with Christ.”

The Bible Society of the Gulf is committed to partnering with churches in Bahrain and other countries in the Arabian Gulf to reach out to migrants and offer them practical and spiritual support. They run 22 [similar centers] in Kuwait, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Oman.

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