Mission Resources: New Data & Dates Edition

It’s our new data and dates edition! Christianity and the unreached world by the numbers, a new book and a helpful article, and a ton of events coming up in February.

  1. Data: World Christianity in 2025
  2. Video: What Is a Frontier People Group?
  3. Reports: A Global Persecution Index & the World Watch List
  4. Devotional: When Serving Gets Tough
  5. Article: 10 Ways to Increase Your Impact This Year
  6. Events: Conferences, Classes, and More Coming up in February

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Data: World Christianity in 2025

Source: Center for the Study of Global Christianity

Every year, the International Bulletin of Mission Research presents an annual snapshot of global Christianity, a one-page version of which can be downloaded for free. The table provides a statistical overview of the world’s 2.6 billion Christians and their activities.

This year’s focus is geographical, covering major religious trends in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Northern America, the Middle East, and Oceania over the last 125 years.

In 2025, the Global South is home to 69% of all Christians in the world, projected to reach 78% by 2050. Africa became the continent with the most Christians in 2018, passing Latin America (which passed Europe in 2014).

Read more. Usually the article is behind a paywall but currently this one is not. Take a look. You might want to bookmark the one-page table.

Wonder what might happen after 2050? CSGC says they will have 2075 projections in the Compact Atlas of Global Christianity, due to be published later this year.

Our friends at Operation World, in partnership with Lausanne, have also pulled out some interesting projections for the Church in 2050 and highlighted them in one of their weekly bulletin inserts. Learn more.

Looking for something easier to digest? See the great collection of mission infographics from GlobalCAST which we recently featured.

Readers from the U.S. might also be interested in a recent Barna analysis of trends in faith and culture likely to emerge in 2025.

Video: What Is a Frontier People Group?

Source: Global Frontier Missions

The Great Commission was given to us by Jesus to spread the gospel among all peoples. Since then, the gospel has been faithfully spread by followers of Christ. In fact, God’s kingdom has advanced more in the past 50 years than in any other prior period.

However, the work is not done. Nearly 60% of unreached people groups still don’t have Christians living among them. These are known as frontier people groups.

Learn more in this new, 6.5-minute video from GFM, created in partnership with Joshua Project and Go31.org. It’s based on resources from those sources which we highlighted before. You may find the video easier to process and share.

If you haven’t seen GFM’s other whiteboard videos for missions mobilization (Missions 101), check them out. They are close to having all of them translated and contextualized into many Indian languages in addition to other languages. Browse translated videos.

Reports: A Global Persecution Index & The World Watch List

Two annual reports related to the persecuted church were released in January.

International Christian Concern’s Global Persecution Index includes:

  • Real-life stories of faith under fire (notably in Iran and Indonesia).
  • In-depth analysis of drivers of persecution in 20 countries.
  • Trends that underscore the urgency of the global situation.
  • Ways you can support persecuted Christians through prayer, advocacy, and action.

Download the report. Registration required (joining their mailing list).

You may be more familiar with the World Watch List from Open Doors, an annual ranking of the 50 countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution.

Learn more and find a plethora of related resources, including a video (also below) highlighting the top 10 countries where Christians face extreme persecution.

Read about the latest trends, some of them encouraging.

Devotional: When Serving Gets Tough

When Serving Gets Tough: A Thirty-Day Devotional for Missionaries, by Carol B. Ghattas. William Carey Publishing, 2024. 136 pages.

Where do you turn if you’re struggling, tempted, angry, tired, or just miss your mom? This little book is designed to help new or seasoned missionaries know they aren’t alone and find strength in God’s promises so they can press on despite difficulties.

Learn more or buy the book for US$7.99 to $12.99. The website includes the table of contents, endorsements, and an interview with the author.

Here’s another resource for cross-cultural workers. Download the 28-page PDF workbook Language Learning: Before Your Move Overseas, by Aaron G. Myers. It has super practical ideas for getting started.

Article: Ten Ways to Increase Your Impact This Year

Source: Catalyst Services

Dream for a minute about what your [church’s] missions team could accomplish if you were functioning at your God-given capacity. Are you secretly disappointed with the lack of momentum but are not sure why? Or maybe there are one or two areas where you know you could do better but don’t know how to get unstuck, or if it’s even possible.

This month’s Postings suggests ten concrete options to engage more of your team’s potential. Why not ask each member to pray over this list and come to your next meeting with one or two priorities for the team to adopt this year. Ask God for discernment and unity, and then define how to move upward via concrete action steps.

Read the article, written for mission committees/global outreach teams.

Events: Conferences, Classes and More Coming up in February

Source: Missions Catalyst Calendar

February 1, Santa Barbara Mission Conference (Santa Barbara, CA, USA). An annual regional mission event.

February 3-5, Frontiers’ Pastors Track (Tempe, AZ, USA). In-person missions leaders cohort to multiply church sending.

February 3-7, Storytelling Training (online). Offered regularly by StoryRunners, a ministry of Cru.

February 4, Building Resilience in Children and Youth (online). 90-minute class from Crisis Care Training International. Check out their other training classes if you work with children at risk.

February 6 to April 3, School of Mission Advocacy (online). This eight-week, affordable ($12) course by GlobalCAST Resources equips you with tools to mobilize your community for missions.

February 7-9, Missionfest Manitoba (Winnipeg, MB, Canada). An annual, community-based mission festival.

February 8-11, Field Security Seminar (Union Mills, NC, USA). Provided by Crisis Consulting International.

February 9, Virtual Prayer Gathering (online). Monthly event for members of MissioNexus. Each gathering features a different presenter.

February 12-13, Thrive Retreat for Women (Melbourne, Australia). Open to women serving in full-time cross-cultural roles. Events like these held periodically in various regions. The next one will be in South Africa in July.

February 13-15, MissionFest British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada). A free, regional mission conference.

February 13-16, Haven Retreat (Da Nang, Vietnam). For kingdom-minded women serving overseas from various nations. Provided by Azmera.

February 18, Contend: Monthly Day of Prayer For Mission Mobilization (global). Coordinated by GMMI and held on the third Tuesday of each month.

February 19 to March 19, Biblical Languages Bootcamp: Greek (online). Begin to read the New Testament in Greek in five weeks. Provided by Mission Media U.

February 20-21, Support Raising Bootcamp (Fayatteville, AR, USA). Provided by Via. More classes held around the world throughout the year.

February 21-22, Midwest Care Connexion (Burnsville, MN, USA). An annual event for church mission leaders and others.

February 21-24, Haven Retreat (Bali, Indonesia). For kingdom-minded women serving overseas from various nations. Provided by Azmera.

February 24-28, Abide Debriefing (Savannah, GA, USA). Check the website for dates of upcoming debriefing retreats. Next one will be in June.

February 26-27, Move Conference (Marietta, GA, USA). Annual mission conference sponsored by Johnson Ferry Baptist Church. All are welcome.

February 27, Indigenous Missions: What Every Mission Organization and Church Ought to Know (online). Webinar from Missio Nexus.

February 27 to March 27, Foundations of Digital Engagement Strategies (online). Learn how digital media can accelerate disciple-making in your ministry. Provided by Mission Media U.

February 28 to March 2, The Gathering (Wichita, KS, USA). An annual gathering of missional professionals to plan, pray, and prepare to reach 15 of the last unreached people groups. Sponsored by Priority 15.

February 28, Coast to Coast: Covering Ramadan in Prayer (online). Join Frontiers in covering the Muslim world in prayer during this 4-hour event from 7-11pm EST.

February 28 to March 30, 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World (international).

View the complete calendar. Submissions welcome.

Mission Infographics, Chinese New Year, and What’s Coming Up Soon

  1. The Mobilize Kit, Version 1, Is Out!
  2. Campaign: 24 Hours (or 21 Days) of Prayer for the Buddhist World
  3. Article: 25 Years into a New Century
  4. Conference: Come to Portland for MissionConnexion Northwest
  5. Events: Conferences, Classes, and More Coming Soon

Read or share the email edition. Suggested caption: Missions Catalyst Resource Reviews: in this edition, mission infographics, Chinese new year, 25 years of a new century and what’s coming up soon. Check it out!

The Mobilize Kit, Version 1, Is Out!

Source: GlobalCAST Resources

Need punchy, easy-to-share graphics with accurate, up-to-date info about the state of the world? MobilizeKit, a missions mobilization resources kit, contains ready-to-use missions infographics that are also editable and customizable for any use.

There are two versions:

Done-for-you Graphics: Explore and download ready-to-go materials. They do look great! And you have 72 infographics to choose from; skim through to see what works for you.

Do-it-Yourself Canva: Edit and customize every element to suit yourself.

Thanks, GlobalCAST! (By the way, we did not find this on their website, just on their social media feeds).

Campaign: 24 Hours of Prayer for the Buddhist World on Chinese New Year 2025

Source: 110 Cities, a project of International Prayer Connect

January 29, 2025 is Chinese New Year.

Join thousands of believers from many churches and Christian ministries around the globe, as we come together online for a 24-hour prayer meeting covering key cities and regions of the Buddhist world.

This will be an opportunity to pray together, exalting Jesus Christ as King throughout the Buddhist world, asking the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers to every unreached people group in these cities and nations.

Chinese New Year is a special time for families to gather and we want to pray for them.

Learn more or sign up for a prayer slot. While you’re there, you might browse the 110 Cities site to learn how you can pray for some of the most unreached cities in the world.

Ready to jump in? Our friends at Beyond are also starting 21 days of Prayer for the Buddhist World, January 9-29. Check out their prayer guide, too.