ZIMBABWE: Son of Witch Doctor Finds Jesus

Source: Godreports, June 5, 2013

In his village in southern Zimbabwe, people still seek help through witch doctors who offer a portal into the darkness of the supernatural realm. But one young man found healing in the arms of Jesus after his father’s gods proved impotent.

Nhamo suffered a painful infection that rendered him unable to move from his bed. He spent many days listlessly, barely able to turn over, yet his father refused modern medical care. “He would not allow me to go to the hospital because he believed he could heal through witchcraft,” he notes.

One day a team came from a neighboring village to show the JESUS Film. When Nhamo’s father and mother left him alone, they warned him not to watch the JESUS movie on the evening it was presented in their village…

» Read the rest of the story or watch a video that tells this man’s story (YouTube).

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