Podcast: Five Joshua Project Tools to Help You Mobilize

Source: Gospel Mobilization Podcast

How many people groups are there in the world, and what do people need to know about them to take action? Hear about what’s happening at Joshua Project (including a big change in the works) and how you can best use the tools they provide. Chris Clayman, now the Executive Director, has some fun and inspiring stories to tell.

Listen to the episode. Also from Gospel Mobilization: Check out the mobilization continuum—a tool you could use to help someone express their posture toward world mission.

By the way, about 1,000 people have taken the Joshua Project Survey. Got five minutes? They especially want to hear from missiologists and mission educators, researchers, prayer coordinators, strategists, and tech workers.

If mission data is what you do, it’s not to late to sign up for the Mission Information Workers Conference (see calendar item below).

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