Think Global: Stories with Scope

world map painting

This edition of Missions Catalyst News Briefs features stories with global scope. May they inform your understanding, strengthen your communications, and stir your prayers.

View the email edition or scroll down to read the stories below.

  1. The Status of Global Christianity
  2. New Milestones in Digital Scripture Access
  3. Ten Most Dangerous Places to Be a Christian
  4. Top 20 Apps in Least-Reached Countries
  5. Middle East: Christian TV Touching More People Than Ever
  6. India: Political Party Wants Christians and Muslims Out

The Status of Global Christianity

Source: Center for the Study of Global Christianity, December 2020

Every year in the International Bulletin of Mission Research we present an annual snapshot of global Christianity, a one-page version of which can be downloaded for free. The table provides a statistical overview of the world’s 2.5 billion Christians and their activities.

» Get the table and see also an FAQ with quick facts about global Christianity. For example, did you know that by 2015, 68% of Christians (1.6 billion) and 84% of Evangelicals (270 million) were people of color?

New Milestones in Digital Scripture Access

Source: Wycliffe Global Alliance, December 2020

Recent years have seen a dramatic and steady increase in the number of Scripture translations available digitally via websites and smartphone apps. In October 2020 YouVersion reached a new milestone, with Scriptures now available in a total of 1,500 languages. Globally, digital Scriptures in a total of 1,968 languages became available on various sites and apps.

Faith Comes By Hearing has made similar progress, currently providing Scripture in about 1,500 languages. While their primary focus has been on audio recordings of Scriptures, in the last few years they have added videos, first in partnership with the JESUS film and now also with the Lumo partnership, through which they have committed to creating at least one gospel film in every recorded language.

We are quickly approaching 2,000 languages in which Scripture will be available digitally. This rises even higher if we include JESUS films in languages which do not (yet) have any other Scripture online.

» Read full story.

» See also the annual numbers on global Bible translation efforts and scripture access (updated in October).

Ten Most Dangerous Places to Be a Christian

Source: Open Doors, January 13, 2021

For the 20th consecutive year, North Korea ranks as the No. 1 most dangerous country for Christians. For three generations, everything in this isolated land has focused on idolizing the ruling Kim family. Christians are seen as hostile elements in society that must be eradicated.

North Korean President Kim Jong-un is reported to have expanded the system of prison camps, in which an estimated 50,000 to 70,000 Christians are currently imprisoned.

Yet behind the news headlines, a massive underground church of an estimated 300,000 to 500,000 believers is growing in North Korea.

» Full story provides a glimpse of life in Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Eritrea, Yemen, Iran, Nigeria, and India. See the 2021 World Watch List Report for the 50 countries most difficult for Christians. Let’s pray for believers in these places, as well as praying for their countries and communities.

Top 20 Apps in Least-Reached Countries

Source: Mobile Ministry Forum, January 7, 2021

Beyond being the year of COVID-19, we all know that 2020 was also a breakout year for TikTok video shorts and Zoom teleconferencing. After some research, we now know that this was as much the case in least-reached countries as nations where the gospel has spread.

We reviewed daily data on the top-ten free Android apps downloads for 32 less and least-reached countries, so we are sharing the top 20 apps they downloaded during 2020. We hope this data will help you plan media ministry initiatives because you can now see your audience’s interests and mobile and social media platforms/habits.

» The list of apps leads with TikTok, WhatsApp, Likee (a video platform), Zoom, and Instagram, but includes others you might find surprising. Take a look, especially if you’re considering a media outreach campaign.

Middle East: Christian TV Touching More People Than Ever

Source: SAT-7, January 11, 2021

While 2020 was an extraordinarily hard year for many, it was also a year in which God was on the move in extraordinary ways. Soaring audience engagement (up to 30% overall growth) with SAT-7 channels showed that amid COVID-19, the hope of Christ shared through television touched more people than ever in the Middle East and North Africa.

The growth in engagement was especially marked for the channels that serve Arabic-speaking children and Turkish viewers, as well as SAT-7 ACADEMY education programs.

  • Audience engagement for SAT-7 KIDS climbed by 90 percent.
  • Contacts for the Turkish channel, SAT-7 TÜRK, rose 120 percent.
  • Audience engagement for SAT-7 ACADEMY soared by 328 percent.
  • Between January and September 2020, SAT-7 received 310,000 audience engagements in total, almost a third more than during the same period in 2019.

» Read full story. We’re hearing reports like this from other media ministries, too. Praise God.

» Also read Hymn Database Sees Spike as Christians Worship at Home in 2020 (Religion News Service, via Christian Headlines).

INDIA: Political Party Wants Christians and Muslims Out

Source: Mission Network News, January 6, 2021

Seven years ago, Hindu leader Rajeshwar Singh made a controversial promise to rid India of its Muslim and Christian populations [by the end of 2021]. Party officials soon forced Singh out of the public eye, but videos of his [speech] resurfaced in 2019—the same year Prime Minister Narendra Modi gained a second term in office.

Attacks on Christians have risen annually since 2014 when Hindu nationalists first came to power under Prime Minister Modi and the BJP (see our coverage). As the countdown to December 31 begins, Christians brace for a challenging year.

“There is a group called the RSS, a Hindu nationalist group [that is] very militant. The RSS has been able to flex its muscle under the BJP government,” John Pudaite of Bibles For The World explains.

“They’ve stated on the national media that they intend to make India free of Christians and Muslims by December 31, 2021. They want to make India entirely Hindu.”

Even if this deadline is extended to 2024, as a national worker reports, a clear threat remains.

» Read full story.

» Viral Fundamentals: Riding the Corona Waves in India says Hindu nationalism has strengthened during the pandemic (Religion Compass).

World News Briefs: Did you miss these stories?


In a year dominated by COVID-19, some other big stories got less coverage. On November 18, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) declared itself free from Ebola for the first time in nearly three years. See the story below (Tearfund).

  1. WORLD: Seven Stories You May Have Missed in 2020
  2. INDIA: States Ratify Anti-Conversion Laws
  3. CAMBODIA: Solina’s Story
  4. PAKISTAN: Mob Attacks Church on Christmas
  5. USA: Saudi Converted Americans to Islam, Until…

WORLD: Seven Stories You May Have Missed in 2020

Source: Tearfund, December 2020

At Tearfund, we have seen our partners around the world step up and respond to crisis after crisis during 2020. But in a year dominated by the coronavirus pandemic, Tearfund’s News Editor, Andrew Horton, rounds up some important events that didn’t get much time in the news.

From locusts, floods, and hurricanes to positive stories of change, here are seven stories you may have missed in 2020.

» Read the article with links and pictures.

» OMF’s Andy Smith calls 2020 the Year of the Eraser. If you canceled much this last year, you can relate. See also Seven Heartfelt Prayers by Pastors for Their Churches in 2021 (Thom Rainer, Church Answers).

INDIA: States Ratify Anti-Conversion Laws

Source: Jubilee Campaign, December 31, 2020

On December 29, it was revealed that lawyers and government officials of the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh have approved The Freedom of Religion Bill of 2020 which has raised many concerns among the nation’s religious minorities. This new legislation, according to Reuters, “would make pressuring a woman to convert to their husband’s religion a crime punishable with imprisonment.”

Just a month prior, the Indian state Uttar Pradesh passed a similar law, the Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of Religion Ordinance. In both Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, officials claim that the legislation is aimed at “curb[ing] religious conversions using misrepresentation, allurement, force, threat, undue influence, coercion, marriage or any other ‘fraudulent means.’”

However, though there is no specific religion mentioned in the bill, critics believe it may indiscriminately target the nation’s Muslim and Christian communities. For some time, radical Hindu nationalists have accused—without credible evidence—India’s Muslims of engaging in a “Love Jihad” campaign by which they coerce Hindu women to convert to Islam with the promise of marriage. Similarly, politicians in Madhya Pradesh have repeatedly criticized and condemned Christian missionaries, who they claim make promises of education and financial support to Hindu women in exchange for their conversion to Christianity.

» Read the full story.

» Morning Star News reports the arrest of a Korean Christian and several other suspects under the new anti-conversion law in Uttar Pradesh.