CAMBODIA: Solina’s Story

Source: OMF International, January 4, 2021

I had a quiet and peaceful upbringing in Cambodia, but the Khmer Rouge changed everything. When I was 21 years old, my city came under attack. My family was rushed out of Phnom Penh into the countryside. The journey was difficult. My mother died on the side of the road, but we had to continue on.

Eventually, separated from my father and sisters, I was forced into a labor camp. I was beaten, tortured, and starved. On multiple occasions, I thought I would be executed.

In the midst of my suffering, God touched my heart. I was harvesting rice and glanced up at a mango tree. I began wondering who created the first crop. Though I claimed to be Buddhist like my mother, I began believing there must be a Creator God.

When the war ended, I escaped and was reunited with my family. We stayed in refugee camps in Thailand, where I met some missionaries. One woman shared the Bible with me and told me about Jesus. When I heard how Jesus had forgiven those who had mistreated him, I was deeply moved. I accepted him as my Savior right away.

In 1992, while living in Canada, I got connected to a ministry that shared the gospel with Cambodians through radio. I harbored bitterness toward Cambodia and never wanted to return. But God made it clear he had plans for me there.

I’ve been living in Cambodia and serving in gospel radio ministry for 20 years. The Lord has given me strength not only to forgive my persecutors but also to love my country. After all, God has done for me, I consider it a privilege to spend my life serving him here.

» Article includes two more testimonies from Cambodia.

» See IMB Commemorates the Service of Single Female Missionaries (Southern Baptist Convention).

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