TURKEY: Christian Curriculum for Schools

Source: Mission Network News, June 2, 2014

Turkey is a country of about 76 million people. Of those, 99.9 percent of Turkish people are Muslims. Only a fraction of the population reportedly is Christian. That makes this story even more amazing.

According to Turkey Country Director for International Needs Network Behnan Konutgan, the ministry of education has requested him to lead a group of Christians to create Christian curriculum for a religion class for the public schools.

Christian students in the past were required to take Islamic education classes. Konutgan says, “We didn’t expect this, but they want to show Europe that Christians exist in Turkey and [Turkey] loves them, respects them, and we love for them to learn [about their religion].”

The curriculum has been written and submitted to the minister of education. “They promised to print it. This is the first in the history of Turkey. This is wonderful!”

If there are Christians in a public school, they can request Christian classes rather than Islamic one.

» Read complete article. You might be interested in another recent piece from MNN, Crisis in Iraq Threatens Middle East Stability (with perspective on current events from the ministry e3 Partners).

CHINA: House Church in the 21st Century

Source: Asia Stories, June 8, 2014

The house church in China is growing rapidly in the midst of the changing tides of the nation. “Liu Qiang” remembers 12 years ago bicycling past churches in the countryside. Believers met behind boarded up doors and windows.

“Obviously they are doing something bad if they are having to close up everything,” Liu recalls thinking as a teenager. After Liu became a Christian he learned why the house churches’ secrecy was protection. He is now a house church pastor himself.

Times have changed, Liu said. There’s a chalkboard in front of his home where his house church meets—an open invitation to their neighbors to worship Jehovah. Freedoms, at least in some areas of the nation, have grown.

“Zhao Jun,” a pastor and church planter, says the house church is still persecuted in many areas of China, but some provinces have a little more breathing room. Zhao said the faithfulness of Christians under persecution has touched government officials. It’s a good testimony, Zhao believes, for the government to see the church’s perseverance.

Thirty years ago, Liu says, believers had to be careful about bringing out a Bible in public. Christians in this province now buy Bibles in the Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM) church’s bookstore.

» See full story with pictures. Also read Panel Looks at Christianity’s Rapid Growth in China Despite Persecution (Christian Post), or better yet and listen to the three-hour panel discussion (Brookings Institute).

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: Rebels Storm Church, 30 Killed

Source: 24/7 Prayer #prayeralert, June 12, 2014

On May 30, armed rebels stormed a Catholic church in Central African Republic (CAR) and opened fire. Lives were lost as people fled in fear of more attacks. Catholic churches throughout CAR had served as safe houses since December for civilians seeking shelter from violence and bloodshed that erupted in their nation.

One witness said that many took off with nothing in hand: no money, no food, not even a mat for sleeping. Others left with injuries that needed urgent medical care.

So far nearly 1 million people have been displaced from their homes. Places of shelter and refuge are being compromised by the violence and dissension overwhelming the nation.

Let’s pray for our brothers and sisters in CAR. Religious tension is high in this politically divided nation. Pray that peace would reign in hearts and for truth and honor to be released in this country. Pray that places of shelter would be guarded by the Lord. Pray that he would send his angels to surround the innocent ones and protect them from violence.

Pray that the hospitals and medical clinics would be well supplied to treat the injured and sick. Ask God to set a guard that nothing and no one would be able to reach the premises. Pray that the Word of God would be available in every hospital, building, and place of shelter. Pray that those who hear his Word grow hungry and find refuge and comfort in the Most High.

» Full story. See also a 24/7 Prayer #prayeralert for Kenya, which suffered an attack on Sunday.

PAKISTAN: Muslim NGO Highlights Forced Conversion of Christian Women

Source: World Watch Monitor, June 9, 2014

A Pakistani Muslim NGO says that every year between 100 to 700 Christian women, “usually between the ages of 12 and 25 are abducted, converted to Islam, and married to the abductor or third party.”

In its investigative report “Forced Marriages & Forced Conversions in the Christian Community of Pakistan,” the Movement for Solidarity and Peace (MSP) identifies a pattern. It says that in most of these abduction cases the parents of Christian victims file a police report, but in response, the abductor’s relatives or friends file another police complaint on behalf of the abducted Christian woman, claiming that she willfully married and converted to Islam, and that her parents are now “harassing” her unlawfully.

Of Pakistan’s approximate 185 million [people], about 95 percent are Muslims—20-30 percent Shia [and] the majority Sunni. Christians account for about 2 percent of the total population and about the same number are Hindus. The MSP represents the Hazara community, a distinct Turkic ethnic group from the areas bordering Afghanistan (in which country they make up 13 percent of the population). They belong to the Shiite branch of Islam and are treated with suspicion. In Pakistan, Hazaras have lost thousands of their people in sectarian killings in the last two decades. Subjected to violence and discrimination, the MSP confirms similar treatment meted out to Christians.

» Read complete article.

75 Ways to Put Your Money to Missional Use

Missions-Catalyst-no-tagline_largeBy Shane Bennett

Money graphicLet’s say you have some money lying around. Maybe it’s, like, five whole dollars! Or, on the other end of the spectrum, let’s just suppose it’s a lot and growing every month. You feel the reality of the Jesus story in which the big guy drops some coin on his workers then takes off, leaving them to wrestle with making the most of their “talents.” Whether we have a lot or a little, don’t we want it to work for God’s kingdom?

If you want to put your money to good missional work, but wonder how, three things might guide you:

  1. The Holy Spirit may say, “Do this with your money!”
  2. Someone (sent by the Holy Spirit) may walk up to you and say, “I could use some cash.”
  3. You could read this list and get tons of great ideas.

Three caveats about this list:

  1. It’s not exhaustive. There are other good ways to spend your money. If you’re inclined to share some of yours (ideas, not money) with the rest of us, we’d be honored.
  2. I’m thinking broadly when I talk of using money in ways that are good, “missional,” and contribute to the kingdom of God. I’m also thinking how I think, likely inferior to the way you think, which will probably cause you to think about some of the items on this list, “What? That’s a dumb way to spend money!” No worries. That’s your prerogative.
  3. This is the start of a three-part summer series featuring lists! If you have a list you’d like compiled, feel free to let me know.

Also, if you’d like more info on any of these items that don’t have a link, email me and I’ll help you connect.

75 Ways to Put Your Money to Missional Use

  1. Tell your favorite missionary you’ve got their medical insurance deductible this year.
  2. Get a master’s degree in a field that will open doors internationally.
  3. Take a world missions course like Perspectives, Kairos, or Pathways.
  4. Pay for someone to take the course with you.
  5. Fly to a faraway place to encourage and pray for missionary there.
  6. Sponsor a local missionary in an area where Islam and Christianity meet.
  7. Set up a scholarship fund for students in your culture and students in another culture.
  8. Link your giving efforts with strategic prayer via Praelude2020.
  9. Pay for Bibles to be put in the hands of some of the most under-evangelized people on the planet.
  10. Sponsor a helpful training seminar in your church. How about Bridges?
  11. Give your pastor an Amazon gift card and a list of 25 missions books you’d recommend.
  12. Buy clothes and a pay for a professional photo for a young missions speaker/writer.
  13. Fund a young writer’s self-published book.
  14. Set up a stock fund ear-marked for a particular missionary’s retirement. Trade it well.
  15. Scholarship a TESOL program for a worker.
  16. Help fund a refugee care ministry in Europe or the US. Serve some Syrians.
  17. Send four bright young friends to Urbana 2015.
  18. Upgrade a mission worker’s phone. Or car!
  19. Pay for dental work for a cross-cultural worker.
  20. Find a global-minded screen writer/director with a dream and fund her movie.
  21. Capitalize a micro-loan project.
  22. Invest in a business-as-mission worker by underwriting their visa, registration, licensing, and office lease.
  23. Buy homeschooling curriculum for workers who use it. And a case of iPads?
  24. Fund a pallet of flour for a bread company to help feed starving North Koreans.
  25. Pay for surgery and rehabilitation for kids with birth defects.
  26. Fund adoptions for parents who want the kids no one else wants.
  27. Fly an international student and their best local friend back to their home country for Christmas. Or fly their mom in for a visit and insist she stay in your home.
  28. Underwrite an album of global worship songs by a mission-minded musician like Perry Lahaie.
  29. Assemble a library for a worker in Mozambique.
  30. Pay for a willing pastor to go on a vision trip to someplace where he won’t preach (just learn).
  31. Cover a week-long retreat for a cross-cultural worker.
  32. Underwrite a strategic prayer conference.
  33. Publish a beautiful prayer guide for an unengaged people group.
  34. Invest in a water treatment facility for 30,000 people who need it.
  35. Cover travel costs and a generous honorarium to get the best missions speaker you know to come to your church.
  36. Get a small gift for a worker through forafriend.com.
  37. Cover a year’s subscription to calledtogether.us for a single missionary.
  38. Tell some young buck at church that you’ll order the curriculum if he’ll lead a dozen of his buds through Operation Worldview.
  39. Buy a pair of walking shoes and use them to prayerwalk your city.
  40. Send a worker couple to a marriage seminar.
  41. Underwrite the development of a marriage seminar for an unreached people.
  42. Help launch the innovative funding site, buck4good.com.
  43. Buy sub-zero sleeping bags for people who are truly homeless. Think “warmth for the weary.”
  44. Buy and read Gary Hoag’s The Choice.
  45. Pick a local family in need and once a month send a care package based on their individual needs.
  46. Contribute to an organization rebuilding homes after a hurricane or other disaster.
  47. Purchase a life insurance policy and make your favorite mission agency the beneficiary.
  48. Buy a water filtration system each year to send to those who do not have clean water. Get a filter for your home and stop wasting resources buying bottled water.
  49. Hand out bug spray and sunscreen to homeless families.
  50. Give money to a micro-finance organization in Uganda or anywhere that gives small personal loans to help people start businesses and escape the bondage of poverty.
  51. Encourage a pastor, ministry leader, missionary, or youth worker with free use of your lake house.
  52. Buy running shoes, FitBit and a 5K entry fee for a worker friend who needs to get in shape (and wants to!)
  53. Buy sewing machines and hire someone to teach refugees to be seamstresses.
  54. Give $5 or $10 gift cards as an encouragement to someone you see serving others.
  55. Go to a local school and offer to buy school supplies for kids who need them.
  56. Pay for a child to attend church camp.
  57. Donate games, movies, comic books, or toys to a children hospital.
  58. Pay for the person behind you in a fast-food drive through.
  59. Give gift cards for gas and food, coins for vending machines, and notes of encouragement to families of children with cancer.
  60. Help a missionary pay off school debt so they can serve cross-culturally (check out the Go Fund).
  61. Plant a fruit or shade tree.
  62. Buy a bed for an orphan. See Sweet Sleep.
  63. Donate to buy some Drinkable Books.
  64. Support the venerable Operation Christmas Child.
  65. Send doctors to hard places via Doctors Without Borders.
  66. Give to those who minister to those in ministry.
  67. Freshen your breath and wardrobe when you buy from these guys: Project 7 and Sevenly.
  68. Offer to care for pets while mission teams are on the field, or pay for boarding.
  69. Fund and mentor a child or teen who wants to start a business.
  70. Donate money for food for hungry kids.
  71. Buy, assemble, and distribute hygiene kits for homeless people.
  72. Send video tech to a worker friend at the ends of the earth to help her tell great stories of God’s work in her midst.
  73. Buy and raise a few chickens.
  74. Donate a bike to help an Indian pastor see more people.
  75. Buy the supplies and hire some kids to spruce up a retired missionary’s home.

You probably have another idea, a better idea, and a better place to execute one these ideas. Please share with the rest of us (comment below).

Join me in praying that God would shower financial resources on us in huge, wonderful surprising ways. Ask him for the grace to give hugely, joyfully, and strategically toward the advance of his kingdom to the Earth.

ShaneAbout Shane Bennett

Shane has been loving Muslims and connecting people who love Jesus with Muslims for more than 20 years. He speaks like he writes – in a practical, humorous, and easy-to-relate-to way – about God’s passion to bring all peoples into his kingdom. Contact Shane to speak to your people.

Missions Catalyst News Briefs

Missions-Catalyst-no-tagline_largeIn This Issue: Discovering the Secret of Life

  1. WORLD: Internet Evangelism
  2. AFGHANISTAN: Farsi Speakers Discover Secret of Life via Satellite Television
  3. CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: Radio Station Brings Hope
  4. ASIA: “Can You Ask the Big Boss for Some Help?”
  5. MALAWI: A Brick in a New House

Dear Readers,

In just a few days, on Pentecost Sunday, Heaven could be buzzing with excitement, more excitement than last Christmas or Easter (though not more than the first ones, of course!). Heaven will rejoice and be ready to respond to worship and prayers from 220 nations on this Global Day of Prayer 2014.

It may be too late to spread the word in your church, but it is not too late for you to get involved through social media. Join the Global Day of Prayer 12-Hour Prayer Call Facebook group, or call in between 8am and 8pm Eastern Time at +218.548.8367 (code 261475#).

This month we also look internet evangelism. One intriguing initiative is the June 8 social media “thunderclap,” #goeverywhere. Want to participate? Find many other ideas and resources in the Web Evangelism Bulletin.

This week’s stories highlight many forms of technology being used to spread the hope of Christ – TV, radio, and texting. But we continue to thank God for the “Lovejoys” that choose to be the real hands and feet of Jesus far from home (see Malawi story).

Until all hear, or read, or see,


Editor Pat Noble has been the “news sleuth” for Missions Catalyst since 2004. In addition to churning out the news, she is working to create a SWARM (Serving “World A” Regional Mobilizers) in Northern New York using the NorthernChristian.org website.

You can connect with her at patnoble.flavors.me.

WORLD: Internet Evangelism

Sources: Various, curated by Pat Noble, June 2014

Before recommending several sites to check out, I’d like to point you to Justin Long’s article, The Blessing and Curse of Internet Evangelism Mixed with Social Media. He describes eight things to be aware of before you launch into this kind of evangelism. Good stuff.

Check out this January 2014 (183-slide) presentation about Social, Digital & Mobile Around the World (WeAreSocialSingapore).

Then check out What the Arab World Is Watching on YouTube (Your Middle East), read Twitter Website Blocked in Turkey (BBC), and see Minister Admits Iran Cannot Block Facebook Forever (Your Middle East).

AFGHANISTAN: Farsi Speakers Discover Secret of Life via Satellite Television

Source: SAT-7, April 24, 2014

It is no secret to Christians that God’s Word is the key to overcoming trials and leading a joyful life. A SAT-7 PARS program titled Secret of Life (in Farsi, Raze Zendeghi) is now carrying the wisdom of Scripture to [viewers in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan] via satellite television.

True to the program title, SAT-7 viewers are learning the Secret of Life in the Dari dialect of the Farsi language. Dari is among the dialects most commonly spoken in Afghanistan. Hosts Shoait and Mariam use Scripture to address social issues and take phone calls during the semi-live program.

It is risky for people in Afghanistan and Iran to call SAT-7 PARS programs. Secret police are monitoring their phone calls, emails, and text messages. They could be imprisoned or even killed for choosing to follow Christ. Still, they call programs like Secret of Life to share their testimonies and prayer requests.

Recent episodes of Secret of Life have discussed domestic violence, forgiveness, and peace. Domestic violence is a global travesty, but it takes an especially devastating toll in Afghanistan, where victims have little or no access to state services and legal protection. During this particular episode, “Nabil,” an Afghan father, called to testify about how Christ changed his life.

» Full story includes Nabil’s testimony.

» Also read Miracle at Christian Day Care Center in Afghanistan – Terrorists Went in Wrong Gate (God Reports).


Source: Mission Network News, May 5, 2014

While the civil war in the Central African Republic leaves thousands dead and tens of thousands fleeing for their lives, a Christian shortwave radio station in Boali is sharing a message of hope throughout the nation.

Jay Hocking, communications director of Water for Good (a ministry partner of Reach Beyond) says, “Our staff there has developed programming focused on peace and reconciliation, and they’re bringing in special speakers and religious leaders. Our radio station is the most-listened-to station in the country.”

The radio staff members recently attended a conference in [an area where Christians are violent toward Muslims]. “The conference focused on encouraging Christians to love their Muslim neighbors, take care of them, and protect them, encouraging people to think about how they could demonstrate Christ’s love to their Muslim neighbors.” Several important men from [the capital] Bangui spoke at the conference. Radio staff members are hoping respect for the important men will lead to people paying attention and making some changes.

Conflicts began more than a year ago after Muslim rebel leader Michel Djotodia took power in a mostly Christian country leading to violence and revenge killings because of religion and ethnicity. President Djotodia resigned January 2014 during a time of diplomatic pressure, but the acts of violence by militia groups continue to be a problem for the Central African Republic.

» Read full story.

» If you’re interested, check out this short video about Water for Good’s efforts to provide people in the CAR with access to clean water (Vimeo).

ASIA: “Can You Ask the Big Boss for Some Help?”

Source: ASSIST News Service, May 9, 2014

The unreached people groups of the world are often in restrictive countries and geographically remote locations. Eric Ramsey and his team at Tom Cox World Ministries often try to make first contact with these groups, but this sometimes leads them into dangerous situations.

On one trip in Asia, they were in an area closed to tourists looking for a certain unreached people group. As they hiked through the jungle, a former Army Ranger trainer on Ramsey’s team happened to notice a strange sight.

“That’s a military establishment, and I expect in about 20 minutes we’re going to get picked up.”

Sure enough, 22 minutes later two government military vehicles pulled up. The men were detained, placed in one vehicle, while their backpacks and other gear were placed in the other van. Apparently, they had stumbled upon a munitions facility.

Ramsey hid his cell phone in his boot and managed to get a text off to his wife. “We’re getting a ride we don’t need right now,” he texted. “Can you ask the Big Boss for some help?”

» Read more of this story.