Missions Catalyst News Briefs

Missions-Catalyst-no-tagline_largeIn This Issue: Discovering the Secret of Life

  1. WORLD: Internet Evangelism
  2. AFGHANISTAN: Farsi Speakers Discover Secret of Life via Satellite Television
  3. CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: Radio Station Brings Hope
  4. ASIA: “Can You Ask the Big Boss for Some Help?”
  5. MALAWI: A Brick in a New House

Dear Readers,

In just a few days, on Pentecost Sunday, Heaven could be buzzing with excitement, more excitement than last Christmas or Easter (though not more than the first ones, of course!). Heaven will rejoice and be ready to respond to worship and prayers from 220 nations on this Global Day of Prayer 2014.

It may be too late to spread the word in your church, but it is not too late for you to get involved through social media. Join the Global Day of Prayer 12-Hour Prayer Call Facebook group, or call in between 8am and 8pm Eastern Time at +218.548.8367 (code 261475#).

This month we also look internet evangelism. One intriguing initiative is the June 8 social media “thunderclap,” #goeverywhere. Want to participate? Find many other ideas and resources in the Web Evangelism Bulletin.

This week’s stories highlight many forms of technology being used to spread the hope of Christ – TV, radio, and texting. But we continue to thank God for the “Lovejoys” that choose to be the real hands and feet of Jesus far from home (see Malawi story).

Until all hear, or read, or see,


Editor Pat Noble has been the “news sleuth” for Missions Catalyst since 2004. In addition to churning out the news, she is working to create a SWARM (Serving “World A” Regional Mobilizers) in Northern New York using the NorthernChristian.org website.

You can connect with her at patnoble.flavors.me.

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