Missions Catalyst News Briefs

Missions-Catalyst-no-tagline_largeIn This Issue: Discovering the Secret of Life

  1. WORLD: Internet Evangelism
  2. AFGHANISTAN: Farsi Speakers Discover Secret of Life via Satellite Television
  3. CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: Radio Station Brings Hope
  4. ASIA: “Can You Ask the Big Boss for Some Help?”
  5. MALAWI: A Brick in a New House

Dear Readers,

In just a few days, on Pentecost Sunday, Heaven could be buzzing with excitement, more excitement than last Christmas or Easter (though not more than the first ones, of course!). Heaven will rejoice and be ready to respond to worship and prayers from 220 nations on this Global Day of Prayer 2014.

It may be too late to spread the word in your church, but it is not too late for you to get involved through social media. Join the Global Day of Prayer 12-Hour Prayer Call Facebook group, or call in between 8am and 8pm Eastern Time at +218.548.8367 (code 261475#).

This month we also look internet evangelism. One intriguing initiative is the June 8 social media “thunderclap,” #goeverywhere. Want to participate? Find many other ideas and resources in the Web Evangelism Bulletin.

This week’s stories highlight many forms of technology being used to spread the hope of Christ – TV, radio, and texting. But we continue to thank God for the “Lovejoys” that choose to be the real hands and feet of Jesus far from home (see Malawi story).

Until all hear, or read, or see,


Editor Pat Noble has been the “news sleuth” for Missions Catalyst since 2004. In addition to churning out the news, she is working to create a SWARM (Serving “World A” Regional Mobilizers) in Northern New York using the NorthernChristian.org website.

You can connect with her at patnoble.flavors.me.

WORLD: Internet Evangelism

Sources: Various, curated by Pat Noble, June 2014

Before recommending several sites to check out, I’d like to point you to Justin Long’s article, The Blessing and Curse of Internet Evangelism Mixed with Social Media. He describes eight things to be aware of before you launch into this kind of evangelism. Good stuff.

Check out this January 2014 (183-slide) presentation about Social, Digital & Mobile Around the World (WeAreSocialSingapore).

Then check out What the Arab World Is Watching on YouTube (Your Middle East), read Twitter Website Blocked in Turkey (BBC), and see Minister Admits Iran Cannot Block Facebook Forever (Your Middle East).

AFGHANISTAN: Farsi Speakers Discover Secret of Life via Satellite Television

Source: SAT-7, April 24, 2014

It is no secret to Christians that God’s Word is the key to overcoming trials and leading a joyful life. A SAT-7 PARS program titled Secret of Life (in Farsi, Raze Zendeghi) is now carrying the wisdom of Scripture to [viewers in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan] via satellite television.

True to the program title, SAT-7 viewers are learning the Secret of Life in the Dari dialect of the Farsi language. Dari is among the dialects most commonly spoken in Afghanistan. Hosts Shoait and Mariam use Scripture to address social issues and take phone calls during the semi-live program.

It is risky for people in Afghanistan and Iran to call SAT-7 PARS programs. Secret police are monitoring their phone calls, emails, and text messages. They could be imprisoned or even killed for choosing to follow Christ. Still, they call programs like Secret of Life to share their testimonies and prayer requests.

Recent episodes of Secret of Life have discussed domestic violence, forgiveness, and peace. Domestic violence is a global travesty, but it takes an especially devastating toll in Afghanistan, where victims have little or no access to state services and legal protection. During this particular episode, “Nabil,” an Afghan father, called to testify about how Christ changed his life.

» Full story includes Nabil’s testimony.

» Also read Miracle at Christian Day Care Center in Afghanistan – Terrorists Went in Wrong Gate (God Reports).


Source: Mission Network News, May 5, 2014

While the civil war in the Central African Republic leaves thousands dead and tens of thousands fleeing for their lives, a Christian shortwave radio station in Boali is sharing a message of hope throughout the nation.

Jay Hocking, communications director of Water for Good (a ministry partner of Reach Beyond) says, “Our staff there has developed programming focused on peace and reconciliation, and they’re bringing in special speakers and religious leaders. Our radio station is the most-listened-to station in the country.”

The radio staff members recently attended a conference in [an area where Christians are violent toward Muslims]. “The conference focused on encouraging Christians to love their Muslim neighbors, take care of them, and protect them, encouraging people to think about how they could demonstrate Christ’s love to their Muslim neighbors.” Several important men from [the capital] Bangui spoke at the conference. Radio staff members are hoping respect for the important men will lead to people paying attention and making some changes.

Conflicts began more than a year ago after Muslim rebel leader Michel Djotodia took power in a mostly Christian country leading to violence and revenge killings because of religion and ethnicity. President Djotodia resigned January 2014 during a time of diplomatic pressure, but the acts of violence by militia groups continue to be a problem for the Central African Republic.

» Read full story.

» If you’re interested, check out this short video about Water for Good’s efforts to provide people in the CAR with access to clean water (Vimeo).

ASIA: “Can You Ask the Big Boss for Some Help?”

Source: ASSIST News Service, May 9, 2014

The unreached people groups of the world are often in restrictive countries and geographically remote locations. Eric Ramsey and his team at Tom Cox World Ministries often try to make first contact with these groups, but this sometimes leads them into dangerous situations.

On one trip in Asia, they were in an area closed to tourists looking for a certain unreached people group. As they hiked through the jungle, a former Army Ranger trainer on Ramsey’s team happened to notice a strange sight.

“That’s a military establishment, and I expect in about 20 minutes we’re going to get picked up.”

Sure enough, 22 minutes later two government military vehicles pulled up. The men were detained, placed in one vehicle, while their backpacks and other gear were placed in the other van. Apparently, they had stumbled upon a munitions facility.

Ramsey hid his cell phone in his boot and managed to get a text off to his wife. “We’re getting a ride we don’t need right now,” he texted. “Can you ask the Big Boss for some help?”

» Read more of this story.

MALAWI: A Brick in a New House

Source: Operation Mobilization, April 15, 2014

“Lovejoy,” a young Zambian believer, has been called to serve the Lord by working with children and those who don’t know Jesus yet. He started his teaching career at a school in Nakoli, Zambia, but without qualifications as a teacher.

While teaching in Nakoli, Lovejoy felt the responsibility to find solutions for the children’s problems, all while he faced his own feelings of inadequacy. He had planned to teach for just one year but realized that one year would not be enough to bring change to their lives and help them walk with Jesus. Despite challenges, his heart grew softer for the children as he visited their homes, saw their living environments, and realized that they were misunderstood, neglected, and fatherless.

God was faithful to his call on Lovejoy’s life, however, and through much prayer he received the opportunity to teach at the orphan school with OM in Malawi, and later among the Yao people, who are Muslim.

Lovejoy is currently a father to 15 five-year-old children. In Malawi he realized that “speaking to the children is not the most important thing to do, but showing them Jesus [is]! I want to reproduce Jesus, not myself!”

“It’s like a brick that can be lying on the road and causing someone to stumble, or it can be used to build a house – a new house – for people to encounter Jesus,” he continued. “The effect will depend on where it is used.”

» Read full story. You might also be interested in a recent OM story about mobilizing people in nearby Zimbabwe to pray for the nations.