BANGLADESH: Deadly Violence Mars Elections

Source: Mission Network News, January 7, 2014

The Awami League handily won Bangladesh’s [January 6] election, but the victory was marred by street fighting, low turnout, and a boycott by the opposition. Without a contender, the Awami League took more than two-thirds of seats in the contest.

Accusations over unfair process prompted strikes and protests, some of which turned into deadly clashes with police. Asian Access vice president for leader development Noel Becchetti says the process reveals an enmity that goes back decades.

Becchetti says, “When you have this kind of unrest, it puts pressure on everybody who’s simply a peace-loving citizen. When they strike in Bangladesh, most of the transportation shuts down. Most of the shopkeepers are afraid to open their stores for fear of violence. It really stops your ability to function.”

» Full story with pictures and prayer points. For history and analysis of the Bangladesh situation, read Genocide and Justice in Bangladesh.

» A great resource for prayer points on upcoming elections is The 10/40 Window Reporter.

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