BOOK: Telling the Gospel through Story

Source: InterVarsity Press

Telling the Gospel Through Story: Evangelism That Keeps Hearers Wanting More, by Christine Dillon. InterVarsity Press, 2012. 224 pages.

From the publisher’s website: “In an age when prepackaged gospel formulations leave people cold, well-told Bible stories can be used powerfully by God to touch people’s hearts and draw them to himself.

“After ministry in both Western and non-Western contexts, church planter Christine Dillon has discovered that Bible storying is far more effective than most other forms of apologetics or evangelistic presentations. In fact, non-Christians actually enjoyed storying and kept coming back for more. Storying provides solid biblical foundations so listeners can understand, apply, and respond to the gospel, and then go on to fruitful maturity in God’s service.

“This book includes practical guidance on how to shape a good story, how to do evangelism through storying, and how to lead Bible discussions. With particular insights for trainers and those working in cross-cultural contexts, this guide provides you with concrete steps for sharing the Story that everyone needs to hear.”

Outreach Magazine named this book to its list of 2013 Outreach Resources of the Year. The author, an Australian, serves as a church planter in Taiwan with OMF International.

» Preview or purchase this book from Amazon for US$10.45; US$9.93 for the Kindle edition.

» See also the related website, Storying the Scriptures. It includes links, videos, and other helpful resources.



“About two-thirds of the Bible is preparation for Jesus. But we have a tendency to jump straight to proclaiming him. After all, we know that Jesus is the most important. Jesus is indeed the central point of the Bible and, indeed, all of history. The problem is that when we go straight to Jesus, most people’s hearts aren’t prepared. We want to proclaim, ‘Jesus is the answer,’ but many people are still asking, ‘What’s the question?'”

Christine Dillon, Telling the Gospel through Story


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