WEB SERVICE: AskaMissionary.com

Source: AskaMissionary.com

What do would-be missionaries want to know? What would you tell them? The following are among the most popular questions on AskaMissionary.com, where you’ll find more than 150 questions with 500+ answers.

  1. How can I know if God is leading me to become a missionary?
  2. What is the first step toward becoming a missionary?
  3. What types of training should I consider?
  4. Should I skip a degree and go into missions now?
  5. What can I do in missions with my professional skills or college major?
  6. Why do many missionaries join agencies? How do I select an agency?
  7. Why do some missionaries serve independent from an agency?
  8. How much money should a missionary raise, and how long should it take?
  9. Is there any way other than begging for support?
  10. How can I raise prayer and financial support?
  11. Should I, as a single person, go overseas now or get married first?
  12. Can a couple with small children make it to the field?
  13. What unexpected obstacles or doubts did you experience in becoming a missionary?
  14. What do missionaries wish they had known before they first went?
  15. What does day-to-day life look like on the field? What is a typical day for a missionary?

» Visit AskaMissionary.com. Maybe you have a good question or helpful answer to contribute. (Disclosure, I’m one of the editors!)

» Readers might also be interested in the 2010 “best of” book, Ask a Missionary: Time-Tested Answers From Those Who’ve Been There, edited by John McVay.

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