World: Digital Nomads as Global Marketplace Multipliers

Source: Global Partners, January 1, 2025

A digital nomad is a location-independent worker who leverages mobile technology to live and work remotely from somewhere in the world that has sufficient internet and travel options for them to do their job.

Why should those who care about increasing access to the gospel be interested in the idea of digital nomads? Well, the answer is simple: many of the more unreached places in the world are also places that are hard to get a job in. Being a digital nomad gives someone another way in.

Read the full story.

A recent article in Mission Frontiers asserts, “Millions of ordinary Christians from Majority World churches are finding employment around the globe [and] have access to millions from unreached lands who are also in the economic diaspora, as well as to the people of the host countries.” The whole edition is on mission and migration.

Speaking of ways the gospel can cross new frontiers, read YouVersion Bible App Hits Record 798K Installations in Single Day. January 5, 2025 was their best day ever, and the largest increases were in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East (The Christian Post).

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