Colombia: Pastor and His Family Killed in Heartbreaking Loss

Source: Crosswalk, January 2, 2025

An evangelical pastor and his family were killed [December 29] in Colombia after a gunman on a motorcycle shot them as they were eating outside a restaurant after a church service. As reported by The Christian Post, the gunman killed Pastor Marlon Lora of the Prince of Peace Villaparaguay Church, his wife, Yorley Rincon, and 24-year-old daughter, Angela Lora Rincón, in the municipality of Aguachica. Meanwhile, their 21-year-old son, Santiago Lora Rincón, was injured in the shooting.

According to Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Lora and his church belonged to the Missionaries Biblical Churches denomination, in which he visited and managed nearly three dozen congregations in various parts of the country.

The full story reports that discrimination and threats against religious leaders have been on the rise in Colombia. Let’s pray for Colombia.

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