Laos: Believers Minister to Spies in Their Midst

Source: Mission Network News, June 29, 2023

In some parts of Laos, pastors have been imprisoned for their faith or even killed. Patrick Klein of Vision Beyond Borders recently had a conversation with Greg Musselman of Voice of the Martyrs Canada. According to believers Klein has spoken with, China is pushing the Laos government to mirror China’s clampdown on Christian churches.

The goal of many officials in Laos: intimidation. Believers are cut off from hospitals, schools, and churches. They might be denied access to government IDs, which often means less access to even more services.

That’s not to say the church in Laos isn’t growing. “There are real believers inside the government-run churches. They’re trying to help get the gospel out. But they also have to be very wise in what they do, because if they go too far, and they are really evangelistic, they can get in trouble.”

But for the believers in Laos, even persecution provides opportunity. One pastor reported to Klein that while he is well aware of spies within his congregation, “they need to hear the gospel too.” In fact, some of these spies have even found Christ while on assignment. “The gospel keeps going forth in the midst of persecution and opposition,” Klein says.

Read the full story or listen to the 36-minute podcast episode that inspired it. That aired in February. You might also check out Steve Addison’s recent podcast interview in Thailand with Ying, a lady from Laos (19 minutes; Movements Podcast).

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