New Book: Is The Commission Still Great?

Source: Moody Publishers and Pioneers

Is the Commission Still Great? 8 Myths about Missions and What They Mean for the Church, by Steve Richardson. Moody Publishers, 2022. 208 pages.

In our day, skeptics raise a lot of questions about international missions—and so do many Christians who might have previously accepted these efforts without much thought. Rather than fearing or rejecting such questions, Pioneers-USA President Steve Richardson presses in for a closer look at the some of the most common issues and concerns. Is the day for Western missionaries past? Can local evangelists and short-term helpers complete the job without long-term missionaries? Is missions just for a select few? Are mission efforts harmful or ineffective?

The author draws on research data, helpful metaphors and illustrations, and his own experience to analyze and address eight perceptions that keep people from participating in global mission. This book is a good resource for mission advocates and skeptics alike.

Visit the book website to watch the book trailer, learn more, or buy the book for US$10 (or US$9.99 for the Kindle edition). Bulk pricing is also available. The website includes a free, ten-session curriculum for using the book with a small group.

See also A Conversation with Steve Richardson (Outreach Magazine) or watch/listen to an interview on Mission Minded Podcast (ITEC).

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