November Events: More Mission Conferences and Training

Source: Missions Catalyst Events Calendar

November 1-2, Support Raising Bootcamp (Houston, TX, USA). Provided by Support Raising Solutions. Note they will also be offering a bootcamp in Egypt November 10-13 and a virtual bootcamp December 5-7.

November 2-5, Christian Community Development Association National Conference (Charlotte, NC, USA). Learn about CCD and network with others to help people and communities experience God’s shalom.

November 3, Are These Countries Really Closed? (online). Free webinar from Sixteen:Fifteen.

November 3, So You Wanna Have a Podcast? (online). Webinar from Missio Nexus.

November 3-5, International Conference on Missions (Columbus, OH, USA). An annual conference in the Christian/Disciples of Christ tradition.

November 4-5, MissionConnexion Southwest (Phoenix, AZ, USA). Free, community-based mission conference. A ministry of MissionWorks.

November 4-5, StudentConnexion (Beaverton, OR, USA). A mission conference just for middle school and high school students. A ministry of MissionWorks.

November 4-5, Missions Fest Seattle (Edmonds, WA, USA). Free, community-based mission conference.

November 6, International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (global). Observed annually.

November 6-12, Perspectives Intensive for Pastors & Leaders (Monroe, WA, USA). Prefer online? The next class is November 6 to March 19.

November 7 to December 2, Mission Mobilization Equipping School (Chiang Mai, Thailand). From the Global Mission Mobilization Initiative.

November 9-10, People Raising Conference (online). Be equipped for raising personal support.

November 10, Organization Initiatives for Sexual Wholeness (online). A virtual event from Missio Nexus and introducing a new working group with the same name.

November 2-14, Field Security Seminar (Union Mills, NC, USA). Provided by Crisis Consulting International and regularly offered in different times and places.

November 10-12, Global Missions Health Conference (Louisville, KY, USA and online). World’s largest healthcare missions conference; annual.

November 13, Call to Prayer Virtual Prayer Gathering (online). Engage the Muslim world through prayer on the second Sunday of each month.

November 14-16, Building and Leading Diverse and Effective Mobilization Teams (Dallas, TX, USA). Training event from Missio Nexus.

November 14-18, Abide Debriefing for Global Workers (Joplin, MO, USA). Provided by TRAIN International for missionaries in re-entry.

November 15, Contend: Monthly Day of Prayer For Mission Mobilization (global). Coordinated by GMMI for the third Tuesday of each month.

November 17, Crowdsourcing Missions via Remote Work (online). Webinar from Missio Nexus.

November 30 to December 1, Denominational Roundtable for Mission Leaders (Antioch, TN, USA). Provided by Missio Nexus.

View the complete calendar, updated regularly. We welcome submissions.

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