October Events: Helpful Training, Conferences & More

Source: Missions Catalyst Events Calendar

October 3 to February 12, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement (online). New online classes begin regularly.

October 4-6, GACX Forum 2022 (Minneapolis, MN, USA). Sponsored by a global alliance for church multiplication.

October 4-7, Pastoral Training in Member Care (Asheville, NC, USA). For anyone involved in caring for global workers; usually held annually.

October 4-30, Equipping for Cross-Cultural Life and Ministry (Union Mills, NC, USA). Provided regularly by the Center for Intercultural Training.

October 5, Preparing Missionaries to Go to the Hard Places (online). Webinar from Missio Nexus.

October 7-8, EMS Annual Conference (Dallas, TX, USA and online). An annual event from the Evangelical Missiological Society. The International Society for Frontier Missiology will also participate in this event.

October 13, Mobilizing Latin Americans (online). Free webinar from Sixteen:Fifteen, part 3 in a series on mobilizing people of color.

October 17-19, Standards Introductory Workshop (online). Learn about the Standards of Excellence in Short-Term Mission.

October 17-21, ABIDE re-entry debriefing for global workers (Joplin, MO, USA). Provided regularly by TRAIN International.

October 18, Contend: Monthly Day of Prayer For Mission Mobilization (global). Coordinated by GMMI and held on the third Tuesday of each month. 

October 18-19, Amplify Outreach (Wheaton, IL, USA). Conference from the Billy Graham Center focused on evangelism, apologetics, and church leadership.

October 20 to November 17, Strategic Storytelling for Movements (online). Accelerate your media strategy through the power of story. Offered regularly by Mission Media U.

October 20-21, Support Raising Bootcamp (Knoxville, TN, USA). Provided by Support Raising Solutions.

October 21-22, NWA for the Nations (Fayetteville, AR, USA). Northwest Arkansas Missions Conference.

October 22-23, Voices of the Persecuted Church Conference (Dallas, TX, USA). Provided by the Back to Jerusalem Movement.

October 24-27, Thrive Retreat (Prague, Czech Republic). For cross-cultural workers from the US and Canada who serve overseas.

October 24 to November 19, COMPASS (Palmer Lake, CO, USA). Language and culture acquisition provided by Missionary Training International.

October 27-29, Refugee Highway Partnership North American Roundtable (Beaverton, OR, USA).

October 27-29, 24:14 DMM/CPM Conference (Spring, TX, USA). Multiplying disciples and churches across North America.

October 28-29, Help! We’re Going on a Short-Term Trip (Philadelphia, PA, USA). Seminar for team leaders from CultureLink, this time in partnership with Catalyst Services.

October 28-29, The Mobilized Church Workshop (St. Louis, MO, USA). Provided by Sixteen:Fifteen.

View the complete calendar, updated regularly. We welcome submissions.

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