Fire & Ice: Missionary Adventures of the 1800s

Source: Pioneers USA

Fire & Ice: Missionary Adventures of the 1800s, by John C. Lambert. Pioneers, 2021. 134 pages.

This book traces common threads in tales of missionary adventure from the 19th century. Glimpse the lives of pioneer missionaries and local Christians from the Arctic Circle to just beyond the southern tip of Patagonia and from the coral islands of Fiji to the Himalayan plateau of Tibet.

The diversity of those God called and equipped to carry out his worldwide mission in the 19th century is as staggering as the variety of places he sent them.

Kapi’olani, a Hawaiian chief, climbed a volcano to prove the power of her God. George Mackay, a Canadian, pulled teeth in Taiwan to prove the exact same thing. Coley Patteson and Allen Gardiner died on two beaches 7,500 miles apart for exactly the same reason. They believed the gospel of Jesus Christ is for every person on earth.

Fire & Ice condenses and updates for modern readers John C. Lambert’s much longer 1907 text, The Romance of Missionary Heroism (now in the public domain).

Pioneers-USA President Steve Richardson wrote a foreword for this edition. Fire & Ice also includes an epilogue based on C.S. Lewis’s thoughtful response to the question, “Why read old books?”

Get the paperback from Amazon for US$9.99. Or get the ebook from Pioneers for free. I helped edit this book. It was such a fun project. I hope you’ll enjoy it.

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