10 Globally Inspired Recipes for Your Family’s Table

Source: Via Family, June 18, 2020

As you taste these new foods, take some time to learn about the people and places they represent. Then pray together as a family for these people groups to come to know Jesus as Savior.

  1. Buckwheat Pancakes
  2. Nian Gao, Sticky Rice Cakes
  3. Chai Tea  
  4. Draniki, Easy Potato Pancakes 
  5. Simsim, Sesame Candy 
  6. Meni-meniyong, Sesame Seed and Honey Sticks  
  7. Salatu Niebe, Black-Eyed Pea Salad  
  8. LLajua, Bolivian Hot Sauce  
  9. Oven Baked Plantains
  10. Pacoca, Peanut Candy 

Did you know that your family can participate in bringing the hope of Jesus to unreached people groups by learning about them and interceding on their behalf? Here are three tips for learning about unreached people groups as a family:

  • Locate where they live on a world map.
  • Learn about their way of life.
  • Learn what they believe.

Read the article. It has links to profiles of unreached people groups from regions where these recipes are enjoyed.

Also from Via Families, see the six-week study Parenting With a Global Vision and other resources.

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