Events: Missions Conferences and More in July & August

Source: Missions Catalyst Events Calendar


July 8-9, Support Raising Bootcamp (Orlando, FL USA). Provided by Via, formerly Support Raising Solutions. More classes held around the world throughout the year.

July 8 to August 3, COMPASS (Palmer Lake, CO, USA). Language and culture acquisition provided by Missionary Training International.

July 11, Jesus on the Everyday Road (online). Learn simple ways to transform ordinary conversations. Training event from AllNations.

July 13, True Spirituality: Foster Care and Adoption (online). Training event from AllNations.

July 15-17, Crisis Management Seminar (Auburn, AL, USA). Provided by Crisis Consulting International. Following this event, on July 18, they will hold a one-day security workshop for short-term mission trip leaders at the same location.

July 15-19, Storytelling Training (online). Get hands-on experience with oral Bible storytelling with five three-hour sessions provided by Story Runners.

July 17, Dangerous Places, Difficult Regions: Do We Still Go? (online). A peer2peer virtual event for church mission leaders provided by Missio Nexus.

July 17-20, Perspectives USA 50th Anniversary Global Conference (Chicago, IL, USA). All are welcome.

July 19-24, New Wilmington Mission Conference (New Wilmington, PA, USA). Annual, week-long multi-generational mission conference; a tradition for more than 100 years.

July 21-26, Debrief Retreat (Union Mills, NC, USA). Provided by the Center for Intercultural Training.

July 21-28, Wake (Boundary Waters Canoe Area, MN, USA). A deepening adventure for men working in missions. Offered by Barnabas International.

July 22-26, Abide Debriefing (Joplin, MO, USA). Help for moving forward with hope and momentum; from TRAIN International (held multiple times a year; another will take place July 29 to August 2).

July 24, Reimagining the Mission Playbook (online). Thought-leader briefing from Missio Nexus (for executive leaders only).

July 25, Jesus on the Abiding Road (online). Training event from AllNations.

July 29 to August 3, Interlude Debriefing Retreat (Chicago, IL, USA). A week-long retreat for adult global workers to process their experiences in a contemplative setting with peers and trained debriefers. Offered by Barnabas International.

July 31 to November 13, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement (online). New online classes begin regularly.


August through October, Missionary Care Cohort (online). Help your “sent ones” stay connected. Provided for local churches by The Upstream Collective.

August 3, Turning Triggers Into Glimmers (online). Training event from AllNations.
August 3-10, Classic ReBoot (Calgary, AB, Canada). Eight-day re-entry retreat for MKs/TCKs (aged 17-20) re-entering Canadian society. There’s also a wilderness edition for older MKs.

August 5-9, Engage Retreat (Union Mills, NC, USA). Spiritual retreats are provided regularly by the Center for Intercultural Training.

August 11 to September 6, Equipping for Cross-Cultural Life and Ministry (Union Mills, NC, USA). Followed by a Language Learning Accelerator course, both from the Center for Intercultural Training.

August 13, How to Be an Effective Church Missions Leader (online). Peer2Peer event for church missions leaders. Provided by Missio Nexus.

August 20-23, Field Security Seminar (Lake George, CO, USA). Provided by Crisis Consulting International.

August 28-29, Field Leaders Contingency Planning Workshop (Cape Town, South Africa). Provided by Crisis Consulting International. Followed by a Women’s Personal Security Workshop August 30.

View the complete calendar. Submissions welcome.

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