Documentary Film: Love One Another

Source: International Covered Ministries

Hear about disciple-making movements in other countries and wonder if something like that could ever happen in your backyard? This film will encourage you. Watch a handful of individuals strive to live out the commandments of Jesus: to love God, love others, and make disciples as a church.

Barry, the preacher, needs to see how this works for himself. Alex and Morgan learn how to live out disciple-making principles themselves as they connect and support other practitioners around the world. Amanda shares her powerful transformational story and shows that God still moves in miraculous ways. And Becky and others in Tampa, Florida share what they’ve learned—and how they’ll never be the same.

Watch the trailer below, then go to the Love One Another website to watch the film (92 minutes). They can also set you up with training and support to put what you learn into practice.

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