Something Old

My historical mentor G.K. Chesterton wrote prodigiously and well. Here’s his encouragement to us to get going.

“I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act; but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act.” Illustrated London News, April 29, 1922

“If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly.” London Daily News, October 18, 1901

“His head was always most valuable when he had lost it. In such moments he put two and two together and made four million.” The Innocence of Father Brown, 1911

There you have it: Escape fate by action. Don’t worry that you might not be a master at your chosen action. The key thing is to begin. And finally, sometimes magic happens and your ideas go crazy!

And that brings to mind…

Something Seth

On the occasion of his 5000th blog post, Seth Godin reflects on the privilege and joy he has in daily sharing his thoughts with his tribe:

“My biggest surprise? That more people aren’t doing this [blogging daily]. Not just every college professor, particularly those in the humanities and business, but everyone hoping to shape opinions or spread ideas. Entrepreneurs. Senior VP’s. People who work in non-profits. Frustrated poets and unknown musicians… Don’t do it because it’s your job, do it because you can.”

I was encouraged by Seth’s words to redouble my efforts to reach out, connect, and equip the people over whom God has given me influence.

I am excited about how these three new things below have the potential to do just that…

Something New #1: Short Term Mission Toolbox

I love it when mobilizer types launch out in new media. Like the guys at Short Term Mission Toolbox who’ve just released an app. An app!

The STM Toolbox App provides fingertip access to their mission-trip resources (which might be just the ticket to get your grounded short-term idea off the runway) and also access to free stuff, training materials, and periodicals like Brigada, Mission Network News, and Missions Catalyst!

Three questions for you:

1. How can this app be better?

2. What other mobilization apps have you seen?

3. What cool mobilization apps should someone write?

» Share your thoughts about apps.

Something New #2: Frontiers Connect

Frontiers, the crazy great organization where I hang my staff hat, is launching a new way to build relationship with potential members. We want this event to “to bother people with the problem of the unengaged and invite them to be part of the solution.”

But here’s my concern. While I don’t know who all makes up the planning team, I’m concerned it could be a bunch of old white guys sitting around a table, asking, “So what are the youth really into these days? Hmmmm?”

Can you help me? If you’re under 35 and reading Missions Catalyst, well, first off, thanks. But also, could you weigh in on this question: How would you use 24 hours and a few hundred bucks to gather, challenge, and enlist people your age in the cause of the unengaged?

» Share your ideas for Frontiers.

Something New #3: DELVE

A couple of times this summer I’ll have a chance to help some sharp people explore the immigrant populations in a few cool cities. The training times will be brief and intense and the output used in the real world, so the key concepts need to stick in the minds of the explorers. To describe what we’re doing, I’m kicking around the acronym, DELVE: Discover, Explore, Learn, Verify, and Express.

The “Express” part happens after the study, as the explorers find ways to get what they’ve learned into the hands of people who will act on it. “Explore, Learn, and Verify” take place on site, with explorers walking the streets and talking with immigrants about their lives.

The part that’s got me stressed is the “Discover” component. I know that tons must already be known of the peoples our explorers will learn about, but how do we find that out ahead of time?

This is where I’d like to borrow your brain again. If you wanted to know what was already known about a specific immigrant group, for instance the Afghans in an American city like Baltimore, or all the immigrants in a European city like Berlin, how would you go about finding out? Who would you ask? What websites or other resources would you consult?

» Share your tips for info gathering.

… And if some training like that would help you, let’s chat.

Something Borrowed

If you haven’t figured it out, the “something borrowed” in this edition is your brain. Thanks for thinking about these things with me. With GK, Seth, and Jesus encouraging us, let’s write, talk, explore, and connect, sharing the ideas and dreams God has given us to the end that his kingdom and glory fill up the planet.

Thanks for reading.

Shane Bennett writes and speaks for a great organization called Frontiers. Lately he’s wondering about how Muslim immigrants in Europe might fully experience God’s blessing.

He’s also working with some buds to leverage a $49 a month smart phone plan to raise a ton of money for cross-cultural workers. Email him for info on the plan or the vision.