Uganda: Prayer Transforms the Karomajong People

Source: Mission Frontiers, November 1, 2022

Up to 900,000 Karamojong live in the least developed and poorest part of Uganda, across six districts in the northeast, mostly in the hills. Locals call them “Karamojong Warriors,” as they often steal cattle and kill resisters. They live in “homesteads” of several extended families, with their cattle when they are not out grazing.

Automatic weapons have turned the region into a virtual no-go zone. Heavy flooding, droughts, and armed conflict with related tribes all contribute. Government efforts to forcibly disarm the Karamojong have only been marginally successful.

Mission work in Uganda began with other people groups in the plains, with few ever working among the Karamojong. However, one worker who lived, among them became a prayer champion, facilitating on-site prayer teams from Uganda, South Africa, Korea and the U.S.

God is now answering these prayers through a Church Planting Movement (CPM) started in 2015 in northern Uganda refugee camps. Six years later, this CPM has spread to 44 refugee camps and 56 districts of Uganda, with starts in other countries. The CPM has multiplied to 2,775 groups across Uganda, with about 2,000 new believers every month.

In June 2021, just before a new lockdown in Uganda, a CPM team leader, Jennifer, took two others to share in her home district of Abim. Later, Jennifer and a translator ventured up in the hills to find a nearby Karamojong community. She reported:

“The elders were sitting in a circle, drinking. I greeted them and asked if they could give me a few minutes. They gladly accepted, and I shared from our Good News for You lesson.

“Before I finished one warrior stood—crying, ‘I have killed so many, can God ever forgive me?’ When I finished, all eight received Jesus as Lord and Savior. I then shared with the women and children. Ten women and a few children also gave their lives to Jesus! There was no trainer to leave with them, so we began fasting and praying for this seed to grow.”

Read full story. Also from Mission Frontiers: A family left the field but didn’t forget about the people group they served among, the Rajput of India. They dedicated themselves to being prayer champions instead.

For more from Uganda, read Christian Evangelists Attacked for Preaching to Muslims in Uganda (Morning Star News) and a Pray for Uganda infographic from INcontext International.

Lebanon: Crises Open Hearts to Christ

Source: Mission Network News, October 27

Surviving another week is the goal of many in Lebanon. Others try to profit by hoarding handouts from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and selling them on the black market.

“There are [like] sharks around us, you know? They know that NGOs are receiving money, so they all try to get as much as possible from NGOs,” Nuna of Triumphant Mercy Lebanon says.

“Some commodities are not available anymore, so people can monopolize it, put it at the price they want.”

Triumphant Mercy demonstrates the love of Christ by meeting everyday needs. September “was the back-to-school month,” Nuna says.

TM Lebanon partnered with School in a Bag to distribute school supplies and children’s backpacks to needy families.

“That was such a relief; many people cannot afford a backpack with notebooks and pens, and all these [basic supplies] that they need,” Nuna says.

Grateful parents couldn’t stop thanking Triumphant Mercy team members. “We didn’t know how we could do this (get school supplies for our children), and then this specific help came,” parents told Nuna and her team.

Believers gladly shared the reason and source of their generosity.

“We keep on turning people’s eyes towards God, and I’ve never seen Lebanese people so open,” Nuna says.

“There’s so much pride in Lebanon; they did not need Jesus. But now everybody needs him, and that’s amazing; we’re seeing people open to receiving Christ.”

The full story includes links to learn more.

Keep praying for Lebanon in these difficult times. See also Aoun’s Presidency Ends Leaving Power Vacuum in Crisis-Hit Lebanon (Reuters).

IDOP, Is the Commission Still Great? and More

In this edition of Resource Reviews:

  1. Video: International Day of Prayer 2022 (Nigeria)
  2. New Book: Is the Commission Still Great?
  3. Resource Roundup: Healthcare and Holistic Missions
  4. The Big Story of the Bible in a Coffee Table Book
  5. Events: Coming up from MissionConnexion
  6. November Events: More Mission Conferences and Training

Read or share the email edition or scroll down for more.

Video: International Day of Prayer 2022 (Nigeria)

Source: Voice of the Martyrs

The 2022 International Day of Prayer video, Rebecca: Nigeria tells the story of a Nigerian woman who watched helplessly with her daughter as Boko Haram militants killed her husband and son and burned her home. When she searched the charred remains of her home, she found the Bible she and her husband had received on their wedding day. “I still use this Bible,” Rebecca said. “It reminds me of God’s faithfulness.”

You might want to share this video with others on or before the day of prayer, November 6, or some other time during November. Learn more about the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church and download additional resources.

New Book: Is The Commission Still Great?

Source: Moody Publishers and Pioneers

Is the Commission Still Great? 8 Myths about Missions and What They Mean for the Church, by Steve Richardson. Moody Publishers, 2022. 208 pages.

In our day, skeptics raise a lot of questions about international missions—and so do many Christians who might have previously accepted these efforts without much thought. Rather than fearing or rejecting such questions, Pioneers-USA President Steve Richardson presses in for a closer look at the some of the most common issues and concerns. Is the day for Western missionaries past? Can local evangelists and short-term helpers complete the job without long-term missionaries? Is missions just for a select few? Are mission efforts harmful or ineffective?

The author draws on research data, helpful metaphors and illustrations, and his own experience to analyze and address eight perceptions that keep people from participating in global mission. This book is a good resource for mission advocates and skeptics alike.

Visit the book website to watch the book trailer, learn more, or buy the book for US$10 (or US$9.99 for the Kindle edition). Bulk pricing is also available. The website includes a free, ten-session curriculum for using the book with a small group.

See also A Conversation with Steve Richardson (Outreach Magazine) or watch/listen to an interview on Mission Minded Podcast (ITEC).

Resource Roundup: Healthcare and Holistic Missions

Sources: Various

Know a healthcare provider asking questions about serving in global missions? The healthcare missions community is quite active and ready to engage with those interested. is a good place to start.

Check out Christian Global Health in Perspective, an online training course inspired by Perspectives on the World Christian Movement, and other initiatives and resources from Health for All Nations (a project of Frontier Ventures). They even have an academic journal.

The September/October issue of Mission Frontiers is focused on “healers and preachers” and has several good articles dealing with healthcare and holistic missions. To go deeper, pick up a few books about medical missions from William Carey Publishing.

Many sending organizations welcome medical workers, but there are also specialized groups like the Christian Health Service Corps.

The Big Story of the Bible in a Coffee Table Book

Source: Good Soil Evangelism and Discipleship

Reflections from God’s Story of Hope unfolds the storyline of the Bible through 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament events—from Genesis through Revelation, in a hardback book suitable for display. It’s a Bible storybook that can be used with children or adults, Christians and non-Christians alike, and it includes:

  • 100 key Bible events organized by 25 major Bible eras
  • 100 full-page Bible event images
  • More than 200 pages
  • An index of Scriptures used in the narratives

Learn more or buy the book for US$40. Bulk discounts are available. Related resources include a free downloadable study guide and an audio version with professional dramatized recordings of all 100 narratives, available either as a collection of MP3 files or a mobile app (with images included). Plus the pictures are available as museum-quality prints.

Good Soil, a ministry of ABWE, has lots of great resources, including chronological Bible storying workbooks available in languages from Bengali to Zulu and sets of colorful, pocket-sized chronological Bible storytelling cards. They also provide Bible courses and training seminars to help you use tools like these to share your faith with anyone.

Events: Upcoming Conferences from MissionConnexion

Source: Marti Wade

Ever heard of MissionWorks? Maybe not. It’s a U.S. ministry based near Portland, Oregon, born of several mergers to form a family of five mission-related and recently renamed ministries. I serve on their board of directors.

One of these ministries, MissionConnexion, has been around in some form for about 20 years and provides free, regional, community-based weekend mission conferences as well as more focused events.

Here’s what they have coming up:

November 4-5, MissionConnexion Southwest (Chandler, AZ, USA). This conference will include four plenary sessions, more than 50 workshops and 40+ exhibitors. This year’s theme is “Together Here, Serving There.”

November 4-5, StudentConnexion (Beaverton, OR, USA). A mission conference just for middle school and high school students. “Our purpose is to challenge students, ages 10-20, to give their life for a cause that is greater than anything they may have previously thought of or imagined.”

January 20-21, MissionConnexion Northwest (Portland, OR, USA). This weekend mission conference will include 100 workshops, four plenary speakers, and many exhibitors, plus a day-long pre-conference event, LeadershipConnexion. That event will feature Steve Richardson, author of Is the Commission Still Great? (see review above).

February 24-25, Short-Term Mission Connexion (Seattle, WA, USA). This event is designed to help equip (or help you equip) short-term team members and leaders for greater effectiveness. Consider coming early for a pre-conference workshop on the seven standards of excellence in short-term missions from MissionExcellence (another part of MissionWorks). Those workshops are offered multiple times and places each year.

MissionWorks includes several more ministries related to short-term missions: a mission-trip finder, a travel-insurance service created specifically for short-term mission teams, and a nifty new relationship-based fundraising platform.

Learn more about MissionWorks.

November Events: More Mission Conferences and Training

Source: Missions Catalyst Events Calendar

November 1-2, Support Raising Bootcamp (Houston, TX, USA). Provided by Support Raising Solutions. Note they will also be offering a bootcamp in Egypt November 10-13 and a virtual bootcamp December 5-7.

November 2-5, Christian Community Development Association National Conference (Charlotte, NC, USA). Learn about CCD and network with others to help people and communities experience God’s shalom.

November 3, Are These Countries Really Closed? (online). Free webinar from Sixteen:Fifteen.

November 3, So You Wanna Have a Podcast? (online). Webinar from Missio Nexus.

November 3-5, International Conference on Missions (Columbus, OH, USA). An annual conference in the Christian/Disciples of Christ tradition.

November 4-5, MissionConnexion Southwest (Phoenix, AZ, USA). Free, community-based mission conference. A ministry of MissionWorks.

November 4-5, StudentConnexion (Beaverton, OR, USA). A mission conference just for middle school and high school students. A ministry of MissionWorks.

November 4-5, Missions Fest Seattle (Edmonds, WA, USA). Free, community-based mission conference.

November 6, International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (global). Observed annually.

November 6-12, Perspectives Intensive for Pastors & Leaders (Monroe, WA, USA). Prefer online? The next class is November 6 to March 19.

November 7 to December 2, Mission Mobilization Equipping School (Chiang Mai, Thailand). From the Global Mission Mobilization Initiative.

November 9-10, People Raising Conference (online). Be equipped for raising personal support.

November 10, Organization Initiatives for Sexual Wholeness (online). A virtual event from Missio Nexus and introducing a new working group with the same name.

November 2-14, Field Security Seminar (Union Mills, NC, USA). Provided by Crisis Consulting International and regularly offered in different times and places.

November 10-12, Global Missions Health Conference (Louisville, KY, USA and online). World’s largest healthcare missions conference; annual.

November 13, Call to Prayer Virtual Prayer Gathering (online). Engage the Muslim world through prayer on the second Sunday of each month.

November 14-16, Building and Leading Diverse and Effective Mobilization Teams (Dallas, TX, USA). Training event from Missio Nexus.

November 14-18, Abide Debriefing for Global Workers (Joplin, MO, USA). Provided by TRAIN International for missionaries in re-entry.

November 15, Contend: Monthly Day of Prayer For Mission Mobilization (global). Coordinated by GMMI for the third Tuesday of each month.

November 17, Crowdsourcing Missions via Remote Work (online). Webinar from Missio Nexus.

November 30 to December 1, Denominational Roundtable for Mission Leaders (Antioch, TN, USA). Provided by Missio Nexus.

View the complete calendar, updated regularly. We welcome submissions.

Middle East Miracles | From Africa to the Rest

  1. Middle East: “I Will Not Fear Anything as Long as Jesus Is With Me”
  2. Africa: Born Different, Not Less
  3. Iraq: Kingdom Advance Comes Through Healing
  4. Uganda: Persecution Escalates and Spreads as President Loses His Way
  5. Africa: The Most Christian Continent Grapples With Its Missional Future

Read or share the email edition.