MALAWI: A Brick in a New House

Source: Operation Mobilization, April 15, 2014

“Lovejoy,” a young Zambian believer, has been called to serve the Lord by working with children and those who don’t know Jesus yet. He started his teaching career at a school in Nakoli, Zambia, but without qualifications as a teacher.

While teaching in Nakoli, Lovejoy felt the responsibility to find solutions for the children’s problems, all while he faced his own feelings of inadequacy. He had planned to teach for just one year but realized that one year would not be enough to bring change to their lives and help them walk with Jesus. Despite challenges, his heart grew softer for the children as he visited their homes, saw their living environments, and realized that they were misunderstood, neglected, and fatherless.

God was faithful to his call on Lovejoy’s life, however, and through much prayer he received the opportunity to teach at the orphan school with OM in Malawi, and later among the Yao people, who are Muslim.

Lovejoy is currently a father to 15 five-year-old children. In Malawi he realized that “speaking to the children is not the most important thing to do, but showing them Jesus [is]! I want to reproduce Jesus, not myself!โ€

“It’s like a brick that can be lying on the road and causing someone to stumble, or it can be used to build a house โ€“ a new house โ€“ for people to encounter Jesus,” he continued. “The effect will depend on where it is used.”

ยป Read full story. You might also be interested in a recent OM story about mobilizing people in nearby Zimbabwe to pray for the nations.