CHINA: Can You Help Us Figure Out Hong Kong?

Source: Brigada Today, June 23, 2019

Our friend Doug Lucas writes:

You know, to me, one of the hardest geographical challenges in the world is figuring out the mystery that is Hong Kong. How could a piece of China be a British colony—then not so much. And what happens when all these citizens fight so hard to become so Western, then they suddenly are reattached to mainland China, so mainland China pretends to let them remain as a special economic zone, but then, not?

And then, most recently, the CEO of Hong Kong (appointed by mainland China) sets about to pass a new set of laws that would extradite Hong Kong citizens who were activists, advocates, and even foreign nationals into mainland China—so as many as [a fourth] of the entire population took to the streets in protest.

So finally, the CEO drops the proposed law (for now), but people keep demonstrating. And one of the main “unofficial anthems” of the entire protest is the song, “Sing Hallelujah to the Lord.” Learn more about the protest—and the anthem (Japan Times).

How can all this be? Would somebody please explain Hong Kong to us? Do you know of an article or book that makes this easy? If so, please help us out here.

» Read full story and add your comments. Asian Access also offers a good take on how to pray and Voice of the Martyrs shares another perspective (Mission Network News). For a sense of the protest scale, check out Flowing Data’s mashup of aerial photos. Amazing.

» In other China news, an update from Asia Harvest reports the persecution of Christians is now nationwide.

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