Missions Catalyst 04.18.12 – World News Briefs

In This Issue: Many ready, but yet to be reached

  • CHINA: Millions Ready to Believe
  • AFGHANISTAN: Parliament Members Embracing Christianity?
  • WORLD: Day of Digital Outreach
  • UGANDA: A Night in a Kraal
  • EGYPT: Sending Out Missionaries

Missions Catalyst is a free, weekly electronic digest of mission news and resources designed to inspire and equip Christians worldwide for global ministry. Use it to fuel your prayers, find tips and opportunities, and stay in touch with how God is building his kingdom all over the world. Please forward it freely!

The city of Chengdu. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

CHINA: Millions Ready to Believe

Source: Baptist Press, April 11, 2012

“Carter Hubbs” [a Christian in China’s western city of Chengdu], believes that God wants to use his interaction with people in Chengdu whose hearts he has opened.

In talking to a lady at a clothing store, Hubbs asked if she had ever seen a Bible or knew anything about Christianity.

“No, never seen a Bible, don’t know anything about Christianity. But I am open,” the woman said.

“And that just seems to be the case here right now. We are sitting on 16 million people [in the larger metropolitan area of Chengdu] and maybe 1 to 1.5 percent believe, so [there are] 12-15 million people that don’t believe,” Hubbs said.

Hubbs tells of one Chengdu resident, “Song Li,” who took a seat in the back room of a building where a training session for church leaders was underway.

The first thing she said to him: “Is it stupid for me to believe in this? Is it silly for me to even ask questions?”

He learned that Li was consumed with sadness and bitterness. She had been through trial after trial. Seeking solace, Li had tried other religions but nothing soothed her hurting soul.

“I am just empty,” she lamented. “Can Jesus help?”

In the next hour, Hubbs explained the loving nature of God and how Li could have peace with God despite the turbulent circumstances of her life through a relationship with him bought by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

“What do I do now?” Li wanted to know. “I’m ready for this.”

The Hubbses rejoice over Li’s salvation but know that many more are yet to be reached in the city of millions.

>> Full story with pictures. With more than half of the world’s population now living in cities, Baptist Press is taking a multi-part look at a number of the world’s major metropolises such as Chengdu.

AFGHANISTAN: Parliament Members Embracing Christianity?

Source: ASSIST News, April 1, 2012

Mohabat News said, “Informed Afghan authorities acknowledge that Christianity has obtained a special place not only among youth, but also among various layers in society. (In addition) house churches are growing tremendously.”

An independent Shi’ite website in Iran has quoted a knowledgeable Afghan official as saying, “There is evidence of widespread Christian propaganda in Afghanistan, and the existence of more than ten churches that operate secretly in residential houses have been proven.”

New reports indicate that the Christian faith is spreading among Afghanistan’s movers and shakers. Some members of the country’s parliament have embraced Christianity.

Mohabat News said, “Farsi News Service of AghanTelex, also published a report on the conversion of some members of the Afghani Parliament to Christianity and wrote, ‘Evangelism and Christian propaganda is taking place in the country at a high level, but this is the first time that those who call themselves representatives of the Afghani people not only have become ‘apostates,’ but have joined Christian ministries to evangelize. This time they want to present their Christian services to Muslim people through parliament.'”

>> Full story.

>> See also: Don’t Underestimate the Supernatural Power of Conversion (Charisma Magazine).

WORLD: Day of Digital Outreach

Source: Internet Evangelism Day, April 2012

“An incredible new technology enables the transmission of text on a worldwide basis. It rapidly reduces production and distribution costs and for the first time allows large numbers of people to access text and pictures in their own homes.”

What is this referring to? You’ve guessed it. The invention of the printing press by Gutenberg! It transformed education, communication, and evangelism. It has shaped the world culture we know today.

The computer revolution and the Internet are also changing the way we communicate forever. This will impact Christian evangelism and discipleship in ways which are only just beginning. Just as the Roman road system in New Testament times enabled the rapid spread of the gospel, so also the Internet is becoming an effective worldwide channel for evangelism.

The sad thing is relatively few Christian groups are using the Web for real evangelism. There are perhaps 60,000+ English-language Christian websites, but the overwhelming majority are targeted entirely at Christians. There are over 150,000 church websites, but again, most are written largely for their own members.

>> Full story with lots of resources. April is “Digital Outreach Month” leading up to April 29, Internet Evangelism Day. Watch for some giveaways on that day.

>> See also Iraq Emerges from Isolation as Telecommunications Hub (New York Times).

UGANDA: A Night in a Kraal

Source: Pioneers, April 2012

With the Milky Way painted across the night sky, a couple of elders gathered around our fire to sit and talk with us. They questioned us, why would rich mezungus (white people) choose to spend the night with them in the cattle kraal? My teammate was able to share our love for them and the love that we have for the Word of God.

As we sat there surrounded by thousands of head of cattle, unknown numbers of men and boys, and even more flies, Tom began to share the story of David and Goliath. This is a story that I have heard many times before, but on this night, the image of David as a shepherd boy took on a whole new meaning. As the Philistines taunted the Israelites, I could imagine the Karamojong warriors facing one another in tribal raids.

The elders were also making cultural connections and often interrupted the story to identify with David as a shepherd boy who bravely cared for his sheep. At the end of the story, the elders declared that what was spoken was true and right. They asked us to come and share more stories with all of the people, rather than just the few elders that were gathered around the fire.

>> Full story. For more stories like this, consider signing up for Pioneers’ free, monthly BottomLine Update.

EGYPT: Sending Out Missionaries

Source: ASSIST News, April 12, 2012

“This is one of the most exciting opportunities I’ve seen in 49 years of missionary ministry,” says Dr. Howard Folz, the founder of AIMS. “Please join with me in releasing a powerful flow of missionaries to the Middle East and North Africa.”

The first thought that comes to many people when they consider the Middle East is warfare and terrorism. However, Dr. Folz wants believers to consider a different vision. “Please remember, Paul was also a terrorist against Christians, and yet he became the greatest missionary the world has ever seen. Can we believe God for miracles like this in the Middle East and North Africa? Even Jihadists coming to Jesus!” he suggests.

“On my first trip to Egypt, our partner Mustafa (a pseudonym) gave me a completely new view of the Middle East and North Africa. He said, ‘Howard, we have a huge reservoir of Egyptian missionaries just waiting to be sent out to this part of the world.’

“‘We are in a special ‘window of opportunity,’ Mustafa continued, ‘to gather together 600 plus pastors and leaders. Our goal is to send out hundreds of missionaries from Egyptian churches. Fifty-six missionaries have already been sent, and miracles, signs, and wonders are happening for God’s glory,’ Mustafa says.”

>> Full story.

>> Editor’s note: This story is consistent with the principles and anecdotes reported in the recent book Miraculous Movements. Evidently many Muslim leaders and radicalized Muslims are finding new life in Jesus! See our April 28 review.

Pat Noble has been the “news sleuth” for Missions Catalyst since 2004. In addition to churning out the news, she is working to create a SWARM (Serving World A Regional Mobilizers) in Northern New York using the NorthernChristian.org website. You can connect with her at www.whatsoeverthings.com.





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