In This Issue: Check It Out, Two New Online Mags!
- BOOK: The Global House Church Movement
- CAMPAIGN: 30 Days Muslim Prayer Focus
- BOOKLETS: Prayer Guides for East Asia
Missions Catalyst is a free, weekly electronic digest of mission news and resources designed to inspire and equip Christians worldwide for global ministry. Use it to fuel your prayers, find tips and opportunities, and stay in touch with how God is building his kingdom all over the world. Please forward it freely!
Resource Reviews, edited by Marti Smith, are published once a month.
From: Naomi Frizzell, Lausanne World Pulse
Lausanne World Pulse (LWP) is a new monthly on-line magazine committed to serving those involved in global evangelism and missions by providing relevant news, information, and analysis from around the world. LWP is a partnership of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization and Wheaton College’s Institute of Strategic Evangelism, Evangelism and Missions Information Service (EMIS), and Intercultural Studies Department. It builds on the foundation of World Pulse, a much-valued resource in the missions and evangelism community, published until August 2004 by EMIS. The new magazine is free and also available in a downloadable print version for off-line reading.
In the September issue of LWP, learn more about:
* The southern shift of Christianity
* A North American consultation on HIV/AIDS
* The G8 Summit and what it means to Christians
* The new Global Network for Reconciliation
* The importance of partnership in evangelism
* Increasing momentum for reaching unreached people groups
* The Bengali of Bangladesh
* Evangelism and missions-related events and gatherings
EDITOR’S NOTE: Other missions organizations have begun publishing on-line editions of their magazines as well, including Mission Frontiers. With a high-speed Internet connection, we could spend all our time reading!
BOOK: The Global House Church Movement
From: Rad Zdero
In his new book, The Global House Church Movement, Rad Zdero reports on some of the amazing things God is up to today through the emerging house church movement. Get rooted in a fresh understanding of the New Testament pattern for church life and mission. Learn about spiritual pioneers through the ages who braved opposition from secular and religious authorities to step out and do something new for God. Get involved with practical and strategic steps in starting your own network of house churches, no matter where you live.
“This is an excellent, both scholarly and pastoral introduction into the fascinating phenomenon of the house church movement.” – Wolfgang Simson, author of Houses that Change the World.
Pasadena, California: William Carey Library, 2004, 164 pages.
To order, call 1.706.554.1594 (outside the USA), call 1.800.MISSION (inside the USA), e-mail Gabriel Resources, or go to William Carey Library for secure on-line orders.
CAMPAIGN: 30 Days Muslim Prayer Focus
From: Brigada Today – September 16, 2005
Perhaps you’ve already heard of the 30 Days Muslim Prayer Focus which coincides with the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan: October 5 – November 3, 2005. This international mobilization event (annual since 1993) calls Christians everywhere to pray for, learn about, and reach out to the Muslim peoples of the world, so that they may at least have an opportunity to consider God’s grace revealed in Jesus Christ and that we may live peaceably and respectfully side-by-side. You can order the current prayer booklet from
EDITOR’S NOTE: For information about international distribution in English and other languages, visit 30 Days. To have excerpts and prayer requests sent to your inbox each day of the campaign, sign up for the free e-mail edition by just sending a blank e-mail here.
By the way, have you checked out or subscribed to Brigada Today? Here at Missions Catalyst we only tell you about five or six new missions resources each month; Brigada will give you a dozen or more every week.
BOOKLETS: Prayer Guides for East Asia
From: OMF International
“Today, we took a ride on a five-hour bumpy country bus up the winding mountains of Guangxi. When we reached our destination in the dark, a house-church leader met us for a thirty-minute hike up the slippery mountain into her village. As soon as we arrived, fifteen brothers and sisters from the surrounding villages greeted us. We sat around under dim lights and listened to them tell of the struggles, persecution, and miracles among them. Then they shared their bigger burden: to reach their unbelieving family members and plant many more churches in their villages. The question is ‘How?’ As we looked at the map of Guangxi, and the many unreached villages, they looked like ants on a hill …”
The above is excerpted from a prayer guide compiled by faithful and knowledgeable Christian workers serving in areas where the Zhuang live. October 1, 2005 is a day of prayer for the Zhuang people.
You can pray effectively for particular countries and people groups (like the Zhuang) using helpful and attractive prayer guides available from OMF International. These booklets can be purchased from OMF national offices in most regions, but selection varies by country. Titles include:
Zhuang Prayer Guide
30 Days of Prayer for Laos
31 Days of Prayer: North Korea
The Malay of Southeast Asia (A 30-Day Prayer Guide)
Bridges & Barriers – Hui Prayer Guide
31 Days Prayer Guide: North Vietnam
A Prayer a Day for Myanmar
EDITOR’S NOTE: Caleb Resources recently came out with two more prayer guides focused in East Asia as well. Purchase The Acehnese of Sumatra and Ogan of South Sumatra from the Caleb Resources store.
The cover story of the new on-line magazine Momentum tracks one missionary family on their pilgrimage from America through India, China, Latin America, and the Himalayas, and through as many different struggles and approaches to ministry. Their story provides a glimpse of many of the experiences and issues faced by missionaries in recent decades.
Momentum is an inspiring and thought-provoking magazine which debuted in September and will be published bimonthly. The first issue is 51 pages long and can be downloaded as a PDF file of 1.2 megabytes; each article is also available separately or can be viewed in HTML. Regular columns will analyze mission trends and issues; share stories, prayer requests, and testimonies; and describe specific unreached peoples and opportunities.
The magazine is free. There is no charge for downloading and redistributing the magazine, although donations are certainly welcome.
Justin Long, the Senior Editor for Momentum, was an associate editor of the World Christian Encyclopedia and manages the Network for Strategic Missions. He and his wife, Heidi, live in Southeast Asia.
Questions? Problems? Submissions? Contact publisher/managing editor Marti Smith.
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