Missions Catalyst 01.12.05 – Practical Mobilization

In This Issue: Speak Like George Verwer

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Practical Mobilization by Shane Bennett is published once a month.

Speak Like George Verwer

By Shane Bennett

This month’s Practical Mobilization issue features a challenge from premier mobilizer, George Verwer. It is a slightly abridged reprint of his October 2004 letter to the Missions Mobilisation Network.

In the letter, Mr. Verwer offers advice for mobilizers when they speak in front of groups. I first heard George speak when I was a sophomore in college. He has continued to challenge and inspire me, and, in my experience, he carefully follows his own advice.

You can read more about Mr. Verwer, including his amazing speaking schedule for the first half of 2005, at his web site, which notes: “In August 2003 George handed over the international leadership of the work of Operation Mobilization to Peter Maiden. George and his wife are now involved in Special Projects Ministries full-time. They still travel and take meetings around the world.” – SB

October 2004 MMN Letter

Dear Mobilizers,

Many of us who are in this ministry are taking meetings in which we share the vision and give a clear challenge to pray, give, and go. I have taken about 250 meetings this year and have seen the Lord move in those meetings.

Are you taking meetings? Are you seeing much fruit?

Here are some items to keep in mind as you speak:

1. Try to have your information and facts correct and stick to what you know is true.

2. Try to stick to basic passages where the call to prayer, action, and mission is strong.

3. Take the grace-awakened approach; never preach down to people, but always loving and esteeming them.

4. Be honest about your own doubts, struggles, and failures as well as the victories and answers to prayer.

5. Don’t present overseas mission as a superior calling for super- special people. Esteem those who remain home in Market Place Ministry and sending. Especially esteem those who are giving and praying. For 50 years I have experienced it is easier to get the go-ers than the senders. Push the book, Serving As Senders.

6. Make sure you have a great display of books and other materials. If they have their own book display, try to push their items. Get permission in advance for what you are planning to do.

7. Use Power Points and audiovisuals. Test everything before the meeting and keep it short! If you get others to testify, give them a time limit and beg them to stick to it. Stick to your time as well.

8. Try to get personal time with the pastor and other key people before or after the meeting.

9. Make sure everything is covered with prayer. If possible, make prayer part of the meeting.

10. Try to be clear and specific. Give invitations for commitment and at least to be willing to get involved more. Isaiah 6:1-8. I get people to pray that prayer, “Here am I, send me,” urging them to realize that the Holy Spirit may send them across the street or across the sea.

Standing with you,
George Verwer
Missions Mobilisation Network

Questions? Problems? Submissions? Contact publisher/managing editor Marti Smith.

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