Source: God Reports, August 28, 2024
A revival broke out at Ohio State University over the weekend with hundreds of college students showing deep hunger for God as the new school year kicked off.
Student reporters from The Lantern [student paper] report the event was led by members of the school’s football team who preached the gospel before 800-1,000 people. Some campus ministries and churches helped to organize it.
Throughout the evening, football players shared their testimonies as the crowd grew larger and larger. By the end of the night, an estimated 60 students chose to get baptized into the Christian faith in four tubs of water near the stage.
A TikTok video captures some powerful moments from the event. That video has gone viral with supporters sharing it across social media platforms.
Read the full story and another report on the same event as well as another revival event at Texas A&M University (Christian Post).
In other news, the Baltimore Orioles (baseball team) hosted their first-ever “Faith Night,” where players shared what God has done in their lives (Catholic News Agency).
And from further afield, a bigger story: 1 Million Muslims in Iran Have Turned to Christ as 50,000 Mosques Closed (, drawing on several sources). Some of our sources uses the term revival a bit loosely, but in this case, it seems quite apt.