Japan: Keys to Revival in a Resistant Nation

Source: God Reports, July 31, 2024

Businesswoman Akane Fujimoto had all the success—career, house—but she felt purposeless and empty.

So the nominal Buddhist prayed to the God her mother had received 10 years earlier: “If you really exist, if you really love me for who I am, if you have a purpose for my life, would you please appear or prove it to me?”

”I could feel God hugging me, a deep hug,” Akane says in a Know Christ YouTube video. “I came to repentance for the first time in my life. I couldn’t stop weeping. I realize[d] that everything I was looking for … was there. I experienced love.”

That was 2.5 years ago. Today, Akane has a vision to save all of Japan—a feat reputed to be hard due to the stronghold in the nation that makes the people that makes people resistant. Where others have struggled, Akane is optimistic.

“I heard from other Christian people that sharing the gospel is hard in Japan, but actually it is quite fun,” she says. “They have material things. They are in a comfort zone. You cannot compare [that] to the fullness of Christ.”

Akane says the vaunted Japanese resistance to Christianity consists of pride, worrying what others think, competitiveness, and suspicion of the gospel.

But the very same strongholds of resistance are the keys to revival.

Read the story or watch the 28-minute video it’s based on, also below.

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