Propelled by Hope: The Story of the Perspectives Movement, by Yvonne W. Honeycutt. William Carey Publishing, 2024. 270 pages.
Coming out of the turbulent 1960s, the Jesus Movement revived a generation and led to a new optimism about spreading the gospel to the nations. Explo ’72, sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ, drew an unprecedented 80,000 students. Then, at the 1973 Urbana Student Missions Conference, thousands of students responded to a challenge from Billy Graham to pursue God’s call in missions. Who would help them find and take their next step? That’s where the story of Perspectives begins.
This new book describes the original residential summer and semester-long courses for young adults and the many changes later made to reflect new emphases and reach new audiences. It explores how Perspectives on the World Christian Movement was both shaped by and shaped people, events, and priorities in the modern mission movement worldwide, despite significant obstacles and setbacks.
Hear the personal stories of Perspectives leaders, contributors, and students and give God glory for what he has done through this movement and the many ministries it has birthed or influenced. I knew some of those stories and had connected some of the dots, but was so encouraged to hear more. An inspiring read.
Learn more or buy the book from William Carey Publishing, available in paperback or ebook.