Southeast Asia: A Crazy (Awesome) God Story

Source: Pioneers-USA and Commnet, July 11, 2023

A village pastor asked a Pioneers member to come with him to pray for Bee, who was very sick. She was also having brutal and disturbing nightmares. Turns out she and her husband had made a deal with a witch doctor 30 years before. That seemed to be behind what she was suffering now.

Several more brothers and sisters from the village church came to visit Bee. One was a new believer, Jeab. She didn’t know very much of the Bible and her faith still had a lot of Buddhist thinking. But she prayed to Jesus with boldness. Lek, Bee’s niece, was a young teenage girl. She came and played Christian songs from YouTube on her phone. Then there was Deng, a Buddhist woman who just watched things unfold around her.

“All of this challenged my theology,” said the Pioneers worker. “I thought we just needed to pray. I thought those prayers should come from mature Christians. And, at the same time, I was becoming aware of my own sin.”

Bee’s life wasn’t the only one that would be changed in the next few days.

Read the full story.

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