Websites: Unengaged Peoples & The Great Pursuit

Sources: The Engage Network and International Mission Board

The Engage Network has launched Unengaged Peoples, a new website to focus attention on the 1,600 or so people groups no one is engaging with the gospel (at least not “with intent to birth and nurture multiple communities of Jesus followers”). The website features a searchable and sortable list that continues to be rigorously refined, some sharp, brief videos, and a personal assessment tool to help you discover possible roles among unengaged peoples.

Your input on the website (as well as the entire idea) is quite welcome. They’d also love for you to share with the website with your network.

You might also check a new site with a similar purpose from the SBC’s International Mission Board. They describe the task as The Great Pursuit and have identified 3,072 unengaged groups. They plan to send 300 missionary explorers over the next five years, each assigned to explore 10 groups over a two-year period.

Others can sign up to be virtual explorers, getting updates and cheering them on.

The disparity in UUPG numbers is a bit disturbing and may be a reminder not to hold to our models too tightly. It’s not a competition—these groups (and others) are talking and working together.

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