Pakistan: More Than 100 Killed in Revenge Suicide Bombing

Source: Mission Network News, January 31, 2023

More than 100 people are dead and 217 wounded after a suicide bomber struck a mosque in Pakistan on Monday. It is one of the deadliest attacks the nation has seen.

The bombing took place in Peshawar, a volatile city in northwestern Pakistan. The mosque is inside a fortified police compound and is mostly attended by law enforcement personnel. Up to 400 people [were] packed into the mosque for prayers when the bomber detonated.

It didn’t take long for terrorists to claim the bombing.

[A spokesman from Forgotten Missionaries International] says, “The Pakistani Taliban had taken responsibility for the attack and they mentioned that they have taken revenge because one of their commanders was killed last year in August. So this is a revenge attack in Pakistan.”

Situated in a “Red Zone,” it’s supposed to be one of the most secure areas of the city. An inquiry is already underway to find out how the bomber got past several layers of security.

“It is one of the most tightly controlled areas of the city housing intelligence and the counter-terrorism bureau, and it is next door to the regional secretariat. More than 1,000 policemen are always there for duty. It is a highly, highly secure place.”

Pakistan is no stranger to attacks like this. They often take the form of terrorism, sectarian violence, and religious persecution.

While Pakistani Christians need to be cautious in ministry, they are the hands and feet of Jesus to heartbroken communities and families in times like this. “Pray for…our partners so they can testify about Jesus Christ, that he is really the Prince of Peace.”

Read the full story and pray for the people of Pakistan. We’re also seeing Pakistan in the news over abuses and the possible expansion of the country’s blasphemy laws (Morning Star News).

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