USA: Thai-American Who Grew Up Buddhist Finds Freedom From Demons

Source: God Reports, May 20, 2022

Ide was raised in the Theravada tradition of Buddhism. Growing up in America, Ide was told by his parents to always double down on the teachings of his family, as 95% of Thais are Buddhist.

So he hung on to Buddhism, even when animism opened him to demonic influences. His parents didn’t believe him or his brother when they were awakened by terrors or heard voices during the night, so they comforted each other.

In his early 20s, he began to suffer from depression and OCD, believing that something bad would happen to his mom if he didn’t repeat a phrase a number of times.

“I would keep having to repeat things as a thought in my head until I felt peace,” he says.

He sought help from university student psychological services and got referred off campus because the case was [more serious] than they could handle.

Thus began years of [visits to] therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists. At the height, he was taking 12 pills a day to calm his irrational fears. He also dove deep into Buddhism, visiting the temple and praying with monks every evening.

Still, he sought solutions that Buddhism couldn’t provide.

Read the story from God Reports or watch Ide describe his journey in a half-hour YouTube video, also below (Delafé Testimonies; in English with Thai subtitles). You might learn something about connecting with Buddhists.

Delafé is trying to create the world’s largest archive of Christian testimony videos. If you have time, take a look at their other videos.

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