Source: Missions Catalyst Events Calendar
March 4 to July 7, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement (online). New online classes begin regularly.
March 5-7, Standards of Excellence introductory workshop (online). Provided regularly to help short-term mission leaders and mobilizers make their mission trips better. Also offered May 7-9.
March 10, Virtual Prayer Gathering: Call to Prayer (online). Join others to engage the Muslim world through prayer on the second Sunday of each month. This month, hear a testimony from Saudi Arabia.
March 10 to April 8, 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World (global). An annual global prayer event coinciding with the observation of the Ramadan fast.
March 11, Coast to Coast: Covering Ramadan in Prayer (online). Join Frontiers in covering the Muslim world in prayer during this four-hour event.
March 11 to April 6, COMPASS (Palmer Lake, CO, USA). Language and culture acquisition provided by Missionary Training International.
March 12 to May 14, Frontier Filmmaking Seminar (online). Learn to make cross-cultural evangelistic films with Create International.
March 18-22, Storytelling Training (online). Get hands-on experience with oral Bible storytelling with five three-hour sessions provided by Story Runners.
March 19, Contend: Monthly Day of Prayer For Mission Mobilization (global). Coordinated by GMMI. Held on the third Tuesday of each month.
March 21, Digital Storytelling: How to Build an Effective and Engaging Story Site (online) Peer2Peer webinar for marketing and communication staff from Missio Nexus.
March 25-26, Support Raising Bootcamp (Orlando, FL, USA). Provided by Via, formerly Support Raising Solutions. More classes held around the world throughout the year.
March 28, A Journey toward Polycentric Missions Leadership (online). A webinar from Missio Nexus.
View the complete calendar, updated regularly. Submissions welcome.