Missions Catalyst 10.31.12 – Resource Reviews

In This Issue: Resource reviews for October

  • BOOK: Kingdom Journeys
  • BOOKLET: Praying for Missionaries
  • MANUAL: Mobile Ministry Made Easy
  • BOOK: A Heart for the Community
  • BIBLES: Two New Study Bibles for the Mission-minded
  • EVENTS: Conferences and Training

Continue reading Missions Catalyst 10.31.12 – Resource Reviews

Missions Catalyst 10.17.12 – Feature Article

In This Issue: Could it be the key to evangelism in our day?

  • Editor’s Note
  • Hospitality and the Great Commission

“In a progressively post-Christian society, the importance of hospitality as an evangelistic asset is growing rapidly. Increasingly, the most strategic turf on which to engage the unbelieving with the good news of Jesus may be the turf of our own homes.”

Continue reading Missions Catalyst 10.17.12 – Feature Article

Missions Catalyst 10.10.12 – World News Briefs

In This Issue: News from the AP, Nigeria, Venezuela, and more

  • ARABIAN PENINSULA: A Light Has Dawned
  • NIGERIA: Christian Students Massacred at Nigerian College
  • VENEZUELA: Chavez Re-elected, Christians Fearful
  • ZAMBIA: Finding Jesus in Prison
  • INDIA: A Vision for Reaching Sikhs

Continue reading Missions Catalyst 10.10.12 – World News Briefs

Behind the scenes at Missions Catalyst

Dear Readers,

Do you find Missions Catalyst inspiring, informative, or useful for your ministry? We sure hope so! If you do, maybe you can give us a hand.

Our publication is created and distributed by a small team of volunteers using affordable tools. This keeps production costs very low. We’ve been able to stay afloat since the mid-1990s, despite the economic and organizational storms.

We do, however, need to cover our direct expenses (primarily web hosting, mailing service, and promotion). Those costs add up to about US$1000 a year.

Rather than selling ads, recruiting sponsors, or charging fees, we’re trusting God to supply the funds through (tax-deductible) donations from readers.

If you find yourself able to give, please consider a donation to the Missions Catalyst account with Pioneers. We have a few bills due at the end of this month, so a gift right now would be particularly helpful. Questions? We’d be glad to hear from you.

Much thanks!

Marti Wade | publisher and managing editor

Opportunities to Volunteer

Interested in providing practical help to Missions Catalyst? We could use another team member. Here are some of the tasks involved. If you’d like to discuss volunteering your time and skills in one or more of these areas, let’s talk!

Missions Catalyst Tasks

1. News sleuthing – Read dozens of mission-related news sources looking for stories to highlight in our news digest.

2. Writing articles – Produce monthly, quarterly, or occasional articles on topics related to mission mobilization.

3. Reviewing resources – Look for and learn about materials likely to be useful and interesting to our readers; assess and describe them in a brief but balanced way.

4. Maintaining calendar – Seek out and sift through information about upcoming mission-related events likely to appeal to our readers; post them to online calendar.

5. Copyediting – Polish and organize content provided by writers; prepare all materials for publication.

6. Proofreading – Check links, formatting, style, and grammar.

7. Redistribution – Increase footprint by posting links to our content and other items on social media sites and elsewhere; initiate conversation and interact with those who respond.

8. Tech and design help – Update website look and increase its usability; possibly explore other tools and platforms.

Note: Content submissions are always welcome!