Missions Catalyst 04.21.10 – World News Briefs

In This Issue: Sierra Leone’s 90-day Fast, Bangladesh Tribals Hide in Forest, and More

  • SIERRA LEONE: President Calls for 90-day Fast
  • BANGLADESH: Tribals Hide in Forest
  • INDONESIA: New Broadcasting Association Formed
  • GHANA: Tribal Priest Comes to Christ, Frees Sex Slaves
  • INDIA: 12 Pastors Detained for “Converting” Hindus
  • BURKINA FASO: Fulani Bible School to Open

Continue reading Missions Catalyst 04.21.10 – World News Briefs

Missions Catalyst 04.07.10 – World News Briefs

In This Issue: Nepal’s New Constitution, Christian Choir in China, and More

  • NEPAL: Group Seeks to Restore Hinduism as State Religion
  • CHINA: Christian Choir Wins Gold
  • SOMALIA: Underground Church Leader Executed
  • SUDAN: American and Dinka Cattlemen Connect
  • INDONESIA: Construction of Two Churches Stopped
  • THAILAND: Children See Power of Prayer

Continue reading Missions Catalyst 04.07.10 – World News Briefs

Missions Catalyst 03.17.10 – World News Briefs

In This Issue: Morocco Clamping Down, Deaf Mute Healed, and More

  • IRELAND: Call to Prayer on St. Patrick’s Day
  • MOROCCO: Clamping Down on Foreign Christians
  • NIGERIA: Sectarian Violence Continues
  • BHUTAN: Exiles Face Hostilities while Christianity Spreads
  • INDIA: Believers Attacked
  • CENTRAL ASIA: Deaf Mute Healed, Family Saved

Continue reading Missions Catalyst 03.17.10 – World News Briefs

Missions Catalyst 03.01.10 – World News Briefs

In This Issue: Protesting the Apostasy Law, Revival in Haiti, and More

  • WORLD: Protesting the Apostasy Law
  • HAITI: 40,000 Profess Faith in Christ
  • ERITREA: Christian Dies in Prison Camp
  • PAPUA NEW GUINEA: A Miracle in Amomonta
  • INDIA: Child Traffickers Posing as Missionaries
  • BURKINA FASO: New Church Begins

Continue reading Missions Catalyst 03.01.10 – World News Briefs

Missions Catalyst 02.17.10 – World News Briefs

In This Issue: Former Muslim in Canada, Bhutan Fears Christianity, and More

  • CANADA: Former Muslim Shares the Gospel
  • BHUTAN: Why Royalists Fear Christianity
  • CONGO: Armed Rebels Can’t Stop the Hope of the Gospel
  • BURMA: Army Burning Karen Villages
  • CAMBODIA: Openness to the Gospel by Radio

Continue reading Missions Catalyst 02.17.10 – World News Briefs

Missions Catalyst 02.03.10 – World News Briefs

In This Issue: Violence in Nigeria, Reading the Bible in PNG, and More

  • NIGERIA: Religious Violence Sweeps Jos
  • CHINA: Arrested for Helping American Missionary
  • EUROPE: Churches Advised on Peaceful Living with Muslims
  • INDIA: Sari Surprise Attack
  • VIETNAM: New Believer Beaten
  • PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Reading the Bible

Continue reading Missions Catalyst 02.03.10 – World News Briefs

Missions Catalyst 01.20.10 – World News Briefs

In This Issue: Hostages in Yemen, Cooperation in Haiti, and More

  • YEMEN: Kidnap Victims Alive
  • EGYPT: 100+ Teenagers Arrested
  • UZBEKISTAN: Court Overturns Fines
  • ARABIAN PENINSULA: “I Love the Book”
  • WORLD: Abraham’s Other Descendants
  • HAITI: Cooperative Efforts

Continue reading Missions Catalyst 01.20.10 – World News Briefs

Missions Catalyst 01.06.10 – World News Briefs

In This Issue: News from Vietnam, Iraq, Canada, and More

  • NORTH KOREA: Urgent Prayer Needed
  • VIETNAM: 40,000 Gather for Christmas
  • IRAQ: Two Churches Bombed at Christmas Time
  • CANADA: Hindu Family Healed, Lost Keys Found
  • NEPAL: Church Bomber Repents
  • MALAYSIA: “Allah” Is OK
  • EVENTS: New on the Missions Catalyst Events Calendar

Continue reading Missions Catalyst 01.06.10 – World News Briefs

Missions Catalyst 12.16.09 – World News Briefs

In This Issue: Revival in North Africa, Prayer for the Middle East, and More

  • NORTH AFRICA: Ahmed Gets New Heart
  • ERITREA: 30 Women Arrested
  • THAILAND: Burmese Orphans Face Deportation
  • ALGERIA: Revival in the North
  • CHINA: Pastor Gets Maximum Sentence of 15 Years
  • WORLD: Shiites Responding
  • EVENTS: From the Missions Catalyst Calendar

Continue reading Missions Catalyst 12.16.09 – World News Briefs

Missions Catalyst 12.02.09 – World News Briefs

In This Issue: News from China, Nepal, North Africa, and more

  • CHINA: One Uyghur Leader Free
  • NEPAL: World’s Largest Animal Sacrifice
  • NORTH AFRICA: Camel Like a Chevy
  • NIGERIA: Governor of Muslim State Preaches at Church Meeting
  • WORLD: Global Witnessing Challenge
  • PAKISTAN: CD Shop Bombed for Selling JESUS Film
  • MISSION EVENTS – Perspectives and Pathways

Continue reading Missions Catalyst 12.02.09 – World News Briefs