NEPAL: Minstrel Leads Many to Christ

Source: Asia Stories, International Mission Board, March 16, 2014

Troubadours once traveled on foot down trails snaking through the Himalayas, carrying news and the king’s messages to the far reaches of Nepal.

This may sound like a fairy tale, but it’s a historical fact that has changed lives and is part of the fabric of Nepal. This “once upon a time” is Padam Gandharva’s caste’s true story.

Padam comes from a long line of minstrels, only now he carries the messages and songs of Jesus Christ, the King of kings.

“The Lord gave me a vision and a command to go throughout Nepal proclaiming the gospel,” says Padam [a member of the minstrel caste]. “My vision is that through the sarangi (a stringed instrument) playing in every village of the Nepal, the gospel would be sung and declared.”

People recognize that when Padam comes in, he comes in as a cultural performer. When others come, there is suspicion. Padam journeyed to an area deep in a jungle where the gospel had not penetrated.

“I went through there, just singing, singing and people started following me, like a parade,” Padam says. “They said, ‘you’re singing songs about Jesus,’ and that opened the door for me to share the gospel.”

Seven families became Christians and 40 people were healed. There is now a large church in the community. Before Padam’s visit, two Christians attempted to share the gospel in the same village but were tied to a tree for three days.

» Full story with pictures and recordings, as well as several related stories about music and missions.

INDIA: Trouble in the South

Source: World Watch Monitor, March 4, 2014

Church leaders in India are alarmed over a dramatic increase in attacks on Christians in the state of Andhra Pradesh, where in recent weeks one pastor has been murdered, others beaten, and churches demolished.

The All India Christian Council documented 72 incidents of anti-Christian violence and hostility in Andhra Pradesh in 2013, nearly double the 39 recorded in 2012. Today the state, India’s fifth-most populous, has the country’s highest rate of anti-Christian incidents.

“The jump from 39 incidents in 2012 to 72 incidents in 2013 is alarming, and the reasons for this escalated growth on the Christian minorities is the culmination of every effort of the right-wing political party to woo the majority of the communal agenda in the coming election of 2014,” Moses Vatipalli, a project coordinator for the All India Christian Council, told WWM.

» Read full story.

» See also India: Communalism in an Election Year (Christian Solidarity Worldwide).


SRI LANKA: Buddhist Nationalism Fuels Attacks

Source: Morning Star News, March 12, 2014

A top leader of one of Sri Lanka’s most militant Buddhist extremist groups led 250 people in an assault on a Christian leader and his family last month, according to sources in the country.

Based in the capital city of Colombo on the island nation’s western coast, Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara, general secretary of the Buddhist extremist Bodu Bala Sena, made the 71-mile trip to Sri Lanka’s central Kandy District to lead 250 villagers and 11 Buddhist monks to the premises of a Holy Family Church leader identified only as Pastor Susantha, according to the National Christian Evangelical Alliance of Sri Lanka (NCEASL).

After storming the pastor’s Asgiriya premises at about 6:30 p.m. on February 16, the villagers and 11 Buddhist monks belonging to the Bodu Bala Sena demanded that he immediately stop worship services that take place there. As Pastor Susantha was explaining to Gnanasara his right to continue worship services, the mob dragged the church leader and his wife from their home and assaulted them, sources said.

“The mob punched, slapped, and hit the pastor and his wife with their fists,” a Christian leader told Morning Star News. “The pastor and wife both suffered minor physical injuries.”

» See also Christianity in Sri Lanka: How We Can Learn from and Support the Church There (The Lausanne Movement).

PAKISTAN: Peace Center Planned

Source: The Christian Post, February 14, 2014

A group of Korean Christians are planning to build a “peace center” for a Christian community in Pakistan that was hit by a terrorist attack last year.

Last month, a delegation of Korean church leaders visited the Anglican Diocese of Peshawar at the request of Bishop Humphrey Peters. During the visitation, the delegation, which included Dr. Myoung Hyuk Kim, chairman of the Korean Evangelical Fellowship, and the Rev. Dong-Hwi Lee, senior pastor of the Tin Church, announced plans for a peace center.

When completed, the planned facility will include a library and conference hall and be accessible to all people regardless of religious belief, according to Episcopal News Service.

“The project was revealed in the Diocese of Peshawar’s newsletter The Frontier News,” noted ENS, adding that it was being done “in the memory of the martyrs of the All Saints’ Church Peshawar.”

» Read full story.

» Readers might also be interested in another story, this one from the Arab World, titled Peace Begins with a Smile (Arab World Media).

NORTH KOREA: 33 Christians Face Execution

Source: Joel News International #895, March 11, 2014

The Dictator of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, decreed that 33 Christians who had planned to establish 500 underground churches under the leadership of South Korean missionary Kim Jung-wook were to be executed. The missionary has been held since October of 2013 in a North Korean prison camp. Now 33 of his friends and followers from the North are due to die in their cells at the State Security Department.

Kim Jung-wook has been held in North Korea since October of 2013. He was forced to “confess” that he worked for the intelligence services and had intentions to overturn the North Korean government. The South Korean Intelligence Service denied this and stated that Kim Jung-wook was kidnapped in China and taken to Pyongyang by North Korean forces.

In his previous purge of 80 persons, witnesses stated that dictator Kim Jong-un had them all machine gunned in front of family members as they watched in horror. Over the last year and three months, the dictator has also purged members of his own family in a brutal way.

Open Doors calls Christians globally to cover the country of North Korea in prayer. North Korea has been the No. 1 persecutor of Christians on the Open Doors World Watch List for 12 years in a row. Engaging in secret religious activities is a crime punishable by arrest and even public execution in this nation. North Korea’s government also regularly detains foreign missionaries.

» Subscribe to Joel News. Read the Open Doors report which was the main source for this story. See also a report of these events in The Washington Times which differs on some of the details.

Missions Catalyst World News Briefs

Missions-Catalyst-no-tagline_largeIn This Issue: How should we pray for Crimea?

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Missions Catalyst is a free, weekly electronic digest of mission news and resources designed to inspire and equip Christians worldwide for global ministry. Use it to fuel your prayers, find tips and opportunities, and stay in touch with how God is building his kingdom all over the world. Please forward it freely!

PatPat Noble has been the “news sleuth” for Missions Catalyst since 2004. In addition to churning out the news, she is working to create a SWARM (Serving World A Regional Mobilizers) in Northern New York using the website. You can connect with her at



UKRAINE: Prayer for Crimea

Source: Lausanne Global Conversation, March 2, 2014

“I do not want to sound alarmist, but the events in Crimea could become one of the most serious threats to global peace,” writes Sad Conradie [Coordinator of the Global Generosity Network and past missionary to Crimea]. “We therefore need God’s intervention urgently as only he can give social, political, emotional, and spiritual peace which is so desperately needed in Crimea and the rest of Ukraine at the moment.”
Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for the new interim Ukrainian president who is a committed Christian and Baptist preacher. He and the rest of the Ukrainian government need tremendous wisdom in the days ahead.
  2. Pray for the Christians in Crimea that God will protect them but also make them witnesses of reconciliation and peace in the present situation. There are Russian, Ukrainian, and Crimean Tatar Christians who can model reconciliation between the different groups. Pray that Colossians 3:11 will become a visible reality in the Church.
  3. Pray for a political, economic, and spiritual breakthrough and peace in Crimea. That happened in 1999 when the grievances of the Crimean Tatars had been met the day before the protests could turn violent. Praise God who can do that again!
  4. Pray for wisdom for Russian, European, and US leaders in how to deal with the tension in Crimea. The Ukrainian government could ask the UK and US governments to help protect its territory according to the 1994 memorandum. That can create a conflict that will not only affect Crimea but the whole region and potentially the whole of Europe.
  5. In 1914 Europe had been catapulted into war after an incident on the European periphery. Please pray that the same will not happen again 100 years later.
  6. Pray that God will be glorified in a situation where Satan wants to cause destruction.
» Read full story and download the prayer bulletin which includes some background and information about recent events as well as prayer points.

» See also Baptist Pastor, Oleksandr Turchynov, Named Acting President of Ukraine; Christians Thank God for Peace (The Christian Post) and David Sills’ blog post Ukraine (Reaching and Teaching International Ministries).

BURMA: Day of Prayer Sunday, March 9

Source: Prayercast email, March 2, 2014

On Sunday, March 9, the world will join in prayer for Myanmar (Burma), a nation steeped in poverty and ravaged by 60 years of civil war. Most live on US$1 a day, and two thirds of children are malnourished. Violent military dictatorships have killed thousands and displaced millions. Although freedom is increasing, forced labor, property destruction, and attacks on civilians continue across the nation.

With Christianity strongest among minority groups, ethnic- and religious-based violence often targets [their] particular villages. Even so, the church is growing within and beyond the minority, even into the Buddhist majority. Many Burmese are deeply entrenched in Buddhism and are in bondage to spiritism and the occult. Millions remain unreached.

Mark your calendars for the Global Day of Prayer for Burma; join the body of Christ around the world in intercession.

» Learn more and watch Prayercast video.

» See also Doctors Without Borders Expelled from Myanmar (ABC News).

MEXICO: Families Refusing to Join Traditional Religious Ceremonies

Source: Christian Solidarity Worldwide, February 27, 2014

Twenty-five Protestant families have had their water and electricity supplies disconnected and have effectively been put under house arrest in Mexico because of their refusal to participate in traditionalist Catholic religious ceremonies.

Traditionalist Catholic village authorities are demanding that the families, who belong to the local Mount Tabor Evangelical Church, contribute financially to religious festivals, and have said they will not permit the families to reconnect their services or receive visitors until they pay 500 pesos each. The village authorities are justifying their actions as in line with the Law of Uses and Customs, which gives indigenous populations autonomy to exercise traditional forms of justice and to protect their culture.

The situation follows an escalation of discriminatory behavior towards the group of Protestant Christians in La Trinitaria Municipality in Chiapas state, beginning in 2010, when the local village assembly blocked their access to firewood and refused them permission to attend or participate in village assembly meetings.

» Read full story. See also a more complete report, from the same source, on freedom of religion or belief in Mexico.

RWANDA: Boys from Garbage Dump Start Gospel Music Group

Source: Godreports, February 19, 2014

Garbage and filth surrounded their makeshift shanty in a small-scale dump in Kigali, Rwanda. Five years ago, three street boys, David, Pacifique, and D’Amour, lived in this squalor, their minds obsessed with survival and numbing their pain.

“They had no hope before they came to us,” says Hilliary Anderson, founder of Hope for Life Ministry (HFLM), based in Kigali. HFLM’s aim is to transform the lives of vulnerable street kids by providing housing, Christian counseling and discipleship, and resources to break the chains of poverty.

Last year the three boys formed a gospel band called Shining Hope and produced their first song, “You Are Precious,” singing about their transformed lives since they began to follow Jesus.

“When we recorded this song they were so excited,” Anderson notes. “They never believed anything like this could happen.”

» Read full story and watch music video. Don’t miss the lyrics in English at the end: BEAUTIFUL!