Missions Catalyst 01.06.10 – World News Briefs

In This Issue: News from Vietnam, Iraq, Canada, and More

  • NORTH KOREA: Urgent Prayer Needed
  • VIETNAM: 40,000 Gather for Christmas
  • IRAQ: Two Churches Bombed at Christmas Time
  • CANADA: Hindu Family Healed, Lost Keys Found
  • NEPAL: Church Bomber Repents
  • MALAYSIA: “Allah” Is OK
  • EVENTS: New on the Missions Catalyst Events Calendar

Continue reading Missions Catalyst 01.06.10 – World News Briefs

Missions Catalyst 06.24.09 – Resource Reviews

In This Issue: Debriefing, North Africa DVD, Missionary Care, and More

  • ARTICLE – Sorting It Out: Simple Questions for Debriefing Short-termers
  • ARTICLE – In Our DNA: All People Groups Can Be Bearers of the Gospel
  • DVD – New Video Series from Harvest North Africa
  • EVENTS – Missionary Care Retreats

Continue reading Missions Catalyst 06.24.09 – Resource Reviews