PHILIPPINES: Devastation Heartbreaking

Source: Christian Aid, November 11, 2013

As their nation reels from incomprehensible destruction in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan, several Philippine ministries are pleading for immediate help and steadfast prayers.

One of the strongest storms in recorded history – with winds reaching upwards of 235 mph – slammed ashore November 8 in the central Philippines. Tens of thousands are feared dead and more than half a million are now homeless.

Entire coastal villages were swept away by giant waves reminiscent of the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004. The wide swath of structural destruction across the archipelago has directly affected some 4 million Filipinos.

The city of Tacloban on the island of Leyte was hit particularly hard, where the death toll is expected to rise to thousands.

Recovery efforts will take months, even years, and structural damage has been immense across the central Philippines. However, survival is the most pressing concern now, and water, food, and shelter are critically needed.

“The devastation on the islands is heartbreaking,” said a ministry partner. “We covet your prayers.”

» Read full story.

» Reports of how specific groups are responding to this disaster are too numerous to include here, but see How Churches Can Help without Hurting after Super Typhoon Haiyan (Christianity Today). Learn more about praying for the Philippines (Prayercast) and Muslims in the Philippines (30-days).

BRUNEI: Stricter Sharia

Source: Worthy News, October 23, 2013

The Sultan of Brunei has announced the implementation of severe corporeal punishments as his sultanate shifts towards a stricter interpretation of Sharia law, according to The Standard.

Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah – who first instituted Islamic law in 1966 – said a new Sharia Penal Code would soon be implemented in phases; punishments will now include stoning to death for adultery, severing of limbs for theft, and flogging for the consumption of alcohol.

Currently, Brunei has a dual court system with civil courts based on British law and Sharia courts that were limited to family issues and personal disputes.

» Read full story and a related story (PBS NewsHour), as well as more information about Brunei (Operation World) and how to pray for Brunei (Window International Network).

NORTH AMERICA: Christian Satellite Television Brings Arab Americans “A Voice from Home”

Source: SAT-7, November 8, 2013

On November 3, 2013, SAT-7 celebrated the launch of its new SAT-7 North America Arabic language channel with a special LIVE show from Lebanon. In addition to 15 million viewers in the Middle East and North Africa, the launch of SAT-7 North America will make SAT-7 available to a potential audience of 5 million Arabic-speakers living in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

The inspiration for [this service] is warmly expressed in the channel’s slogan, “A Voice from Home.” The voices carried over the air will resonate with viewers both as a familiar language from their homelands and as a biblical message from their heavenly home.

» Read full story. See also recent demographic information about Arab-American Christians (Arab American Institute).

KOSOVO: The Power of Prayer

Source: OM News, November 19, 2013

As the woman served the team coffee, an OM team member asked if their family wanted prayer for anything. The woman’s eyes brightened, and with uncommon honesty she explained their struggles.

“We are always working so hard for the harvest,” she said, “but are never seeing the results of our efforts.”

A team from Transform (an outreach to Mediterranean peoples) heard this prayer request as they trekked the villages of Kosovo. For one week in July, 22 believers from around the world set out by foot to deliver Albanian New Testaments house by house.

While they walked, the teams kept their eyes open for opportunities for deeper spiritual conversations and prayer. When this Egyptian family opened their door, the team sensed this was a wider opening for Jesus’ work…

» Read full story. See also The Least of These, a recent OM story about caring for the elderly in Malawi, and Overcoming Powers of Darkness in Tanzania (Christian Aid Mission). » Interested in Southeastern Europe? See also a story from neighboring Macedonia, Church Dispute Sparks Ethnic Tensions in Macedonian Village (IWPR) and several stories from Sarajevo (International Mission Board).

WORLD: Access to the Bible

Source: Wycliffe Global Alliance, October 2013

Today, millions more people around the world have access to God’s Word in the language they understand best. God is accomplishing his mission through his power and through partnership.
There is known active translation and/or linguistic development happening in 2,167 languages across approximately 131 countries potentially impacting 1.9 billion people. This includes 692 languages for which there is no known Scripture; 197 languages with a Bible; 645 languages with a New Testament; and 651 languages with portions of Scripture, such as a book.
Today, over 100 organizations from more than 60 nations form the Wycliffe Global Alliance. These partners along with other organizations involved in the Bible translation movement have been assisting language communities for over 60 years, helping them achieve their Scripture-related goals. Working in community partnerships, Alliance organization personnel also help produce thousands of resources for literacy, education, health, and other development-related objectives alongside Scripture.
Faith Comes by Hearing has completed Audio Scriptures in 850 languages as of October 1, 2013.
The JESUS Film has released over 1200 different language versions of their film.
» Read full story. See also The Bible World in Numbers, particularly a larger version of the infographic shown here (Wycliffe UK).

Missions Catalyst 11.13.13 – Practical Mobilization

In This Issue: Five strategies to diffuse fear and anger

About Us

Missions Catalyst is a free, weekly electronic digest of mission news and resources designed to inspire and equip Christians worldwide for global ministry. Use it to fuel your prayers, find tips and opportunities, and stay in touch with how God is building his kingdom all over the world. Please forward it freely!

Shane Bennett writes this month from Cologne, Germany where he’s helping an intrepid band of people who love Muslims learn about immigrants in that great city. Contact him if you’re interested in reaching immigrants in Europe.

Get in touch with him as well if you’d like 50% of what you pay for mobile service to go to God’s global purposes.



Hope for Your Friends Who Hate Muslims: Five Strategies to Diffuse Fear and Anger

By Shane Bennett

Care about Muslims, but find your buds not as passionate about them as you are? Probably few of your friends go so far as hating Muslims. Maybe they have some anger, a little animosity, or just some vague bad feelings. Maybe they think you’re naive because you have Muslim friends or because you’re not as mad about world events as they are. How can we respond to this tension with the love of Jesus, not the self-righteousness of the Pharisees? Is there a way we can humbly but tenaciously engage the debate?

Two caveats:

A) There are serious problems in Islam, and Muslims have done things, sometimes in the name of their religion, that I can’t begin to comprehend.

B) Jesus was serious about that body of Christ thing. God equips and inspires his kids for different kinds of work. At the same time, it’s not kind to leave your friends wallowing in misplaced anger and fear. The trick, as usual, is to discern what God is asking.

If he is asking you to shape your friends’ thinking, it never hurts to start by looking at how Jesus interacted with his disciples. (Although, let me write out what hopefully just floated through your head, “It’s dicey to put yourself in the sandals of Jesus, with your friends playing the part of dopey disciples!”)

I think Muslims today share significant parallels with the Samaritans in the New Testament. How Jesus interacted with them in John 4 gives us some key points to consider. By conversing with the woman at the well and telling her plainly that he was the Messiah, Jesus showed the disciples that God has great love for Samaritans. When he tells the guys to lift up their eyes and see the harvest, he let them know God intended to bring tons of Samaritans into his kingdom. And finally, he agrees to a two-day stay-over in the village, indicating his desire for the disciples to actually connect in relationship with Samaritans.

I think God would like to sink these truths into our friends’ lives and ours in relation to Muslims. He loves them, he’s bringing huge numbers of them into his kingdom and he wants us to befriend them toward that end.

With that in mind, and happy we don’t have to change everybody’s thinking to mirror ours, consider these five strategies to shape the thinking of your non-Muslim-friendly friends.

1. Listen to them.

Writer David Augsburger says that being heard is so much like being loved, that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable. Listening does two things for us: It helps us imitate the love of Jesus as we honor our friends. It also demonstrates humility and respects both the complexity of the issues and the passion people feel for them.

If we ask our friends why they have negative emotions toward Muslims, we’ll hear some interesting reasons. I put out the question on Facebook and was intrigued by some of the responses

“Because of the violence I see in Islam”

“Violence and oppression toward women”

“Apparent lack of response from moderate Muslim leaders to terrorism”

“Opposition to Israel”

“Koranic permission to kill non-Muslims”

“Fear of growing Sharia law”

We may logically question the validity of some of these reasons, but we can’t discount the intensity with which they are held. It’s only as we listen and understand the reasons behind our friends’ animosity that we can respond to it.

2. Be kind, talk respectfully, but don’t back down.

Since it’s probably not best to just out-shout people who disagree with you, we need to find some other tactics to challenge wrong thinking. Sometimes I’ll ask people where they get their information. We all from time to time accept something of sketchy origin simply because it agrees with our currently held notion. And sometimes I think much of what we hear from popular news outlets should be dismissed out of hand.

Another tactic is the “Do your Muslim friends think that?” ambush. When someone tells me how mean/scary/evil Muslims are and how they want to deceive and kill Christians, I like to ask them if they find that in their Muslims friends. This is an ambush because I know they probably don’t have any. I encourage them to make a couple Muslim friends, then get back to me.

Sometimes we need to ask people to check their math, or rather the math behind the scary statistic they’re passing along. The internet is rife with false information used to make the case, “this is why you should run for your life!” Often it just takes a couple of clicks and a little reading to find truth to diffuse the terror.

Final stand-your-ground tactic: Tell your story. I readily admit I haven’t had the experiences some have had. At the same time, they haven’t had mine. It’s hard to argue with someone’s story. And if it’s a good one, it can actually change minds. If you’ve been treated kindly by Muslims, which isn’t exactly rare, tell people about it.

3. Choose your battle grounds.

I suspect you agree with me that Facebook is not the best venue in which to hash this out. It’s better than not talking about it, but full of pitfalls. Given that, what are some places in which you could write or speak that would contribute to more people caring for more Muslims? I’m thinking Sunday School classes, small groups, Bible studies, denominational magazines, blogs, online periodicals, etc. It may be that we really need to hear your voice.

4. Offer hope to diffuse anger and despair.

Could it be that some anti-Muslim sentiment stems from a sense that Muslims are taking over, that God is getting beaten and there’s nothing we can do about? My darker response to this is that if we are overrun by enemies of God, it would not be the first time this has happened to God’s people. In fact there are places where it’s happening now. The question is, as always, how do we follow Jesus in these circumstances?

The happier response is to tell people about the staggeringly huge turning to Christ presently underway in the Muslim world. David Garrison, in his soon to debut Wind in the House of Islam  says essentially that in the first 1300 years of Islam, there was only one unforced movement of Muslims to Christ. (A movement is when thousands from the same ethnic group begin to follow Jesus during a short period time.) In the next 20 years, which corresponds to 1980 to the year 2000, there were 12. In the past 12 years, 71!

If your anti-Muslim friend is a person of influence, offer to buy them a copy of Jerry Trousdale’s Miraculous Movements  in exchange for reading it and publicly posting a review.

5. Finally, one of the strongest antidotes to fear, suspicion, and rejection is connection.

After a healthy verbal sparring match, take your non-Muslim friend to drink tea with your Muslim friend. Sure, it will be weird at first, but it grows on most people. Thomas Friedman used to say that no two countries with McDonalds had ever gone to war with each other. Similarly, it’s hard to dislike someone with whom you’ve eaten baklava! Because baklava is, after all, the pastry of peace.

Photos: Wikimedia Commons

Subversive Mobilization: Help Us Make Our Christmas Lists

It’s that time again! Next month is the world-famous, annual Practical Mobilization Christmas lists edition. Please take a moment to email me or comment below with your ideas for:

1. Gifts that express or inspire care for the nations.

2. Gifts that a mobilizer would like to receive.


Missions Catalyst 11.6.13 – World News Briefs

In this issue: Festival of hope in Iceland, feeling forgotten in Syria, and a move toward freedom in Egypt

About Us

Missions Catalyst is a free, weekly electronic digest of mission news and resources designed to inspire and equip Christians worldwide for global ministry. Use it to fuel your prayers, find tips and opportunities, and stay in touch with how God is building his kingdom all over the world. Please forward it freely!


Pat Noble has been the “news sleuth” for Missions Catalyst since 2004. In addition to churning out the news, she is working to create a SWARM (Serving World A Regional Mobilizers) in Northern New York using the website. You can connect with her at






ICELAND: Signs of Revival in Reykjavik

Source: God Reports, November 1, 2013

It normally takes a lot to move Skúli Barker to tears. But what he witnessed [that] Sunday night in his country…

He’ll be the first to tell you, that simply doesn’t happen in Iceland. “My wife was sobbing next to me,” Skúli said. “And I started to cry. It’s just amazing.”

It started off as a few souls responding at the end of Franklin Graham’s gospel message and before he knew it, throngs were flooding the stage, elbow-to-elbow, hundreds of people packed in, aisles backed up. People wanting to meet Jesus. And willing to say that out loud. Pray that out loud.

Skúli doesn’t want to be overdramatic, mind you, but he’s a native Icelander in his 40s now, and he’s seen the state of Icelandic people when it comes to talking about God or anything spiritual.

“There’s a joke here that we are the ‘frozen chosen,’ ” Skúli said. “But it’s really true. In Iceland, people don’t show their feelings.

“So for Icelanders to come forward to receive Jesus …” Skúli’s voice went silent. His eyes turned red. “It’s just been a real fight here for Christians,” he said. “And this gives us hope.”

» Read full story, or see the original report from the Billy Graham Association, with pictures. The meeting described above was part of a “Festival of Hope” which took place in late September.