UKRAINE: Prayer for Crimea

Source: Lausanne Global Conversation, March 2, 2014

“I do not want to sound alarmist, but the events in Crimea could become one of the most serious threats to global peace,” writes Sad Conradie [Coordinator of the Global Generosity Network and past missionary to Crimea]. “We therefore need God’s intervention urgently as only he can give social, political, emotional, and spiritual peace which is so desperately needed in Crimea and the rest of Ukraine at the moment.”
Prayer Points:

  1. Pray for the new interim Ukrainian president who is a committed Christian and Baptist preacher. He and the rest of the Ukrainian government need tremendous wisdom in the days ahead.
  2. Pray for the Christians in Crimea that God will protect them but also make them witnesses of reconciliation and peace in the present situation. There are Russian, Ukrainian, and Crimean Tatar Christians who can model reconciliation between the different groups. Pray that Colossians 3:11 will become a visible reality in the Church.
  3. Pray for a political, economic, and spiritual breakthrough and peace in Crimea. That happened in 1999 when the grievances of the Crimean Tatars had been met the day before the protests could turn violent. Praise God who can do that again!
  4. Pray for wisdom for Russian, European, and US leaders in how to deal with the tension in Crimea. The Ukrainian government could ask the UK and US governments to help protect its territory according to the 1994 memorandum. That can create a conflict that will not only affect Crimea but the whole region and potentially the whole of Europe.
  5. In 1914 Europe had been catapulted into war after an incident on the European periphery. Please pray that the same will not happen again 100 years later.
  6. Pray that God will be glorified in a situation where Satan wants to cause destruction.
» Read full story and download the prayer bulletin which includes some background and information about recent events as well as prayer points.

» See also Baptist Pastor, Oleksandr Turchynov, Named Acting President of Ukraine; Christians Thank God for Peace (The Christian Post) and David Sills’ blog post Ukraine (Reaching and Teaching International Ministries).

BURMA: Day of Prayer Sunday, March 9

Source: Prayercast email, March 2, 2014

On Sunday, March 9, the world will join in prayer for Myanmar (Burma), a nation steeped in poverty and ravaged by 60 years of civil war. Most live on US$1 a day, and two thirds of children are malnourished. Violent military dictatorships have killed thousands and displaced millions. Although freedom is increasing, forced labor, property destruction, and attacks on civilians continue across the nation.

With Christianity strongest among minority groups, ethnic- and religious-based violence often targets [their] particular villages. Even so, the church is growing within and beyond the minority, even into the Buddhist majority. Many Burmese are deeply entrenched in Buddhism and are in bondage to spiritism and the occult. Millions remain unreached.

Mark your calendars for the Global Day of Prayer for Burma; join the body of Christ around the world in intercession.

» Learn more and watch Prayercast video.

» See also Doctors Without Borders Expelled from Myanmar (ABC News).

MEXICO: Families Refusing to Join Traditional Religious Ceremonies

Source: Christian Solidarity Worldwide, February 27, 2014

Twenty-five Protestant families have had their water and electricity supplies disconnected and have effectively been put under house arrest in Mexico because of their refusal to participate in traditionalist Catholic religious ceremonies.

Traditionalist Catholic village authorities are demanding that the families, who belong to the local Mount Tabor Evangelical Church, contribute financially to religious festivals, and have said they will not permit the families to reconnect their services or receive visitors until they pay 500 pesos each. The village authorities are justifying their actions as in line with the Law of Uses and Customs, which gives indigenous populations autonomy to exercise traditional forms of justice and to protect their culture.

The situation follows an escalation of discriminatory behavior towards the group of Protestant Christians in La Trinitaria Municipality in Chiapas state, beginning in 2010, when the local village assembly blocked their access to firewood and refused them permission to attend or participate in village assembly meetings.

» Read full story. See also a more complete report, from the same source, on freedom of religion or belief in Mexico.

RWANDA: Boys from Garbage Dump Start Gospel Music Group

Source: Godreports, February 19, 2014

Garbage and filth surrounded their makeshift shanty in a small-scale dump in Kigali, Rwanda. Five years ago, three street boys, David, Pacifique, and D’Amour, lived in this squalor, their minds obsessed with survival and numbing their pain.

“They had no hope before they came to us,” says Hilliary Anderson, founder of Hope for Life Ministry (HFLM), based in Kigali. HFLM’s aim is to transform the lives of vulnerable street kids by providing housing, Christian counseling and discipleship, and resources to break the chains of poverty.

Last year the three boys formed a gospel band called Shining Hope and produced their first song, “You Are Precious,” singing about their transformed lives since they began to follow Jesus.

“When we recorded this song they were so excited,” Anderson notes. “They never believed anything like this could happen.”

» Read full story and watch music video. Don’t miss the lyrics in English at the end: BEAUTIFUL!

USA: Native American Christian TV Network Launched

Source: Godreports, February 3, 2014

An influential Native American Christian leader has created a new television network for Native American Christians called the “Native Waves Network.”

“It is up to the leaders of the native tribes to help our people recognize their gifts and callings and to prepare them to share the new direction for the entire nation,” says Dr. Negiel Bigpond, founder of Two Rivers Native American Training Center.

Dr. Bigpond hopes their productions will bring restoration for so many who have been devastated through substance and alcohol abuse.

There are 580 Native Nations in North America, according to Bigpond. The U.S. Center for World Missions states that there are at least 200 Native Nations that have not been reached with the Gospel and over 95 percent of the 3.5 million Native Americans in the United States have not accepted the gospel message.

Bigpond believes Two Rivers offers the only Native-founded, Native-led, culturally sensitive ministry training on the North American continent.

» Read full story. See also a previous story in which Bigpond describes four of the greatest obstacles that keep Native Americans from a saving knowledge of Christ.


SAUDI ARABIA: Families Coming to Faith

Source: Operation Mobilization, March 4, 2014

We’re hearing of women and whole families coming to Christ, which is significant. Normally we would know of individual men but, as the culture places such importance on the family unit, this is a major step forward.Two of Fadila’s sisters and one brother were in the US and came to Christ through the love and ministry of an American. One sister sent her an email explaining the gospel and her own testimony; when Fadila read it, she immediately believed. She had had a dream the previous night about her sister, but didn’t know that she was a believer. She was so amazed at this coincidence that she visited her sister in the US, and her husband came along because he wanted to understand what was going on. He met with the man who had discipled the family and was satisfied that it was OK for his wife and the others to continue in their faith. They returned to Saudi Arabia and she is quite open in sharing her faith.

» Read full story. Follow this series to learn more from the hearts of Christian workers in the Arab World who have invested decades in understanding and loving their Arab neighbors.


Missions Catalyst Resource Reviews

Missions-Catalyst-no-tagline_largeIn This Issue: Seek God for the city, the not-for-parents travel book, and more

OPPORTUNITY: Seek God for the City

SeekGodfortheCitySource: WayMakers

Seek God for the City is an annual prayer event that takes place during the the 40 days leading up to Palm Sunday (March 5 to April 13 this year). You can join followers of Jesus from around the world in seeking God’s face and his kingdom for your city and for the world by participating in this hope-filled prayer campaign.

It’s not too late to get copies of the 60-page booklet (also available in Spanish), download free materials for children, or install the app on your phone or other mobile device.

The prayers in this prayer guide are biblically grounded and easy to pray; it’s clear and well-designed. Also included are ideas for prayerwalking, nations to pray for each day, and additional resources. This could be a great way to help your family, church, ministry, or small group prepare for Easter.

» Visit WayMakers for materials and more information.

» Readers might also want to start thinking about making plans for this year’s Global Day of Prayer (June 8), and 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World, (June 28 to July 27).

BOOK: The Not-for-parents Travel Book – Cool Stuff to Know about Every Country in the World

Source: Lonely Planet

The Not-for-parents Travel Book: Cool Stuff to Know about Every Country in the World, by Michael Dubois, Jane Price, and Katri Hilden. Lonely Planet: 2011. 208 pages.

“Everyone knows which is the world’s highest mountain, but do you know which country banned chewing gum? Or what’s the world’s stinkiest fruit? Or who invented roller skates? Or which building leans more than the Leaning Tower of Pisa? Or where can you eat fried spiders as a snack?

“In this book are the epic events, amazing animals, hideous histories, funky foods, and crazy facts that make the world’s 200 countries so fascinating. Each country has a page to itself-so tiny Tuvalu gets as much space as superpower USA.”

We heard about this (secular) book in a recent blogpost from our friends at the family ministry, Weave. They recommend it as a resource for redeeming the time you and your kids spend in the car. Good plan! Reader reviews suggest some contents might not be appropriate for your youngest ones, though.

» Learn more or get a copy for US$15.02 from Amazon (or elsewhere). And check out the wide range of resources recommended by Weave.

WEBINAR: Reaching Muslims through Mobilized Christians

Source: MissioNexus

Here’s an opportunity to learn more about mobilizing Christians to overcome fears and reach out in love to Muslims. In a March 6 MissioNexus webinar, UK-based Tim Green and Gordon Hickson, founders of Mahabba Networks will share about resources and strategies being used to equip ordinary believers with vision, confidence, and skills to reach their Muslim friends, neighbors, and colleagues. These networks have spread rapidly throughout the UK and are beginning to multiply internationally. You can register your interest in Mahabba through their website, currently being revamped.

» Learn more or sign up for the webinar. It will also be recorded and available through the MissioNexus store.