Wisdom | Encouragement | Hope

Missions-Catalyst-no-tagline_largecoronavirus 3Our feeds and inboxes are full of news about COVID-19. But how is the global Church responding? Read our roundup of stories. Find resources for church and ministry leaders. Pray on.

  1. TURKEY: Words of Wisdom as First Case of Coronavirus Announced
  2. CHINA: Fear Not!
  3. WORLD: Leading with Hope During the Global Coronavirus Pandemic
  4. IRAN: 70,000 Prisoners Released, Many Christians Still Jailed
  5. WORLD: How Coronavirus Is Affecting Refugees

TURKEY: Words of Wisdom as First Case of Coronavirus Announced

Source: SAT-7, March 16, 2020

As the first case of the coronavirus was announced in Turkey, the news and social media caused fear and panic.

“Because of the virus, we are seeing a consumption madness. In the news, we see empty shelves in markets as if we are running out of food, and this is making selfishness and greed apparent” [says a SAT-7 program host Volkan Er].

To inform SAT-7 TÜRK viewers about the coronavirus, a public service announcement was created, detailing the facts about the coronavirus, its symptoms, precautionary measures and travel advice.

“We must be sensible and calm,” [Er] continues to reassure viewers. “We trust our Lord, we have a living God. He is going to lead us. We have the opportunity to be a light to others and emphasize Christ in this situation. But first of all, we must be sensible.”

[In contrast with] other public service announcements, SAT-7 TÜRK concluded with a prayer:

“Lord, we bring all the people who are impacted by this epidemic before you. We pray in your name that the people who have this virus will be healed. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

» Read full story.

CHINA: Fear Not!

Source: Asia Harvest, March 16, 2020

Many people have asked how the virus is affecting the Chinese churches in Wuhan and throughout China. Ironically, the brutal persecution launched by President Xi over the last few years has helped prepare the house churches for the current situation. Thousands of large congregations were broken down into small groups of five or six believers, who have been meeting together for prayer and Bible study in their homes.

Some Chinese churches set up online services since the virus began, but many of their websites and social media pages have been shut down by the government… Communist authorities have even taken the opportunity to let people know that their facial recognition technology works just as well when people are wearing masks.

As fear and trepidation spreads throughout the world along with the virus, we would like to encourage all believers to focus on the Lord Jesus Christ, for “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).

Rather than worrying about what might go wrong, the Lord wants his children to look to Him in faith, because fear and faith cannot exist together, and the stronger of the two will always kill the other. Our job is to set our eyes on Jesus and his kingdom, for “without faith it’s impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6).

So, let’s not fear! God is, and always will be in total control. Although our lives look set to be disrupted for some time because of the economic effects of the pandemic, God is not yet finished his work in you or through you. Let us keep serving him while we have the opportunity. The Lord Jesus said: “As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work” (John 9:4).

» Read full article for more scripture and encouragement.

WORLD: Leading With Hope During the Global Coronavirus Pandemic

Source: Lausanne Movement, March 17, 2020

If ever there was a time for prayers and supplications, this is such a time. Let us join together in united prayer as we pray for:

  • Governments and local authorities who bear large responsibilities in confronting this challenge
  • WHO and all health professionals who are working to safeguard public health
  • Industry leaders and workers in global workplaces that are taking precautions and making decisions to confront this challenge
  • Pastors, church leaders, and leaders of the community who provide care and guidance for those they lead

As a global family, this is a time to let the light of Christ shine his healing rays throughout the world. May the Lord, our Chief Shepherd and our Refuge, grant mercy and grace upon the nations of the world in this time of trouble and distress.

Below we have compiled a list of resources based on contributions from Lausanne leaders around the world. We hope this list will be helpful to you as you’re leading and discerning amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

» Read full article and visit a new, collaborative website, Coronavirus and the Church. It has lots of helpful resources for you and your church.

IRAN: 70,000 Prisoners Released, Many Christians Still Jailed

Source: Open Doors, March 17, 2020

“Recent reports indicate that the COVID-19 virus has spread inside Iranian prisons,” Javaid Rehman, the UN special rapporteur on human rights in Iran, said in Geneva.

The immediate release freed an estimated 70,000 prisoners, including six Christians. However at least 11 believers serving longer-term, security-related sentences will remain imprisoned. That includes Christians like Nasser-Navard Gol-tepeh who has been sentenced to 10 years for “crimes against national security.”

Also known to be still in detention in Iran on charges related to the peaceful practice of their faith are nine Christian converts from the northern city of Rasht. Their five-year prison sentences were recently upheld, even though neither they nor their lawyers were permitted to attend the hearing. Five of the men are among the at least 11 Christians. They were arrested during raids on their homes and house churches.

Christian activist Mary (Fatemeh) Mohammadi was among the prisoners recently granted temporary leave from Qarchak women’s prison. In detention, she was severely tortured and beaten so badly that the bruises were still visible on her body three weeks later.

» Read full story.

» An interesting development from another region: the mayor of Seoul is pressing charges against the church at the center of Korea’s coronavirus outbreak (Huffington Post with links to other sources).

WORLD: How Coronavirus Is Affecting Refugees

Source: Preemptive Love Coalition, March 3, 2020

As the number of coronavirus cases grow worldwide—including in many of the places we serve—we’re checking in with our refugee friends. Refugees and displaced families the world over are hit particularly hard by widespread crises like this one.

Here’s how the coronavirus (or COVID-19) outbreak is impacting our displaced and vulnerable friends around the world.

» Read about refugees in Iraq, Syria, Venezuela, and Mexico.

TAJIKISTAN: Pastor Released, Writes Letter of Thanks

Source: Open Doors, February 22, 2020

Pastor Bahrom Kholmatov of Tajikistan, imprisoned in 2017 for “extremism,” was released in late 2019. He writes the following.

“Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. [These] have been years of testing of our faith and walking with God, not only for my family, but for many Christian churches in our country. These challenges have taught us to unite more and trust the Lord in difficulties. During my imprisonment, many Christians from all over the world stood in solidarity with us—evidenced by the letters I received with your words of comfort and prayerful support. Many Christians prayed for me and for my family. Your prayers helped us to stand strong, through all these difficulties to grow spiritually and to transform into the nature of our Heavenly Lord! Thank you from all my heart! Glory to God!”

“God has shown himself through many brothers and sisters and also through you. My family and I are very happy for the prayer support and physical care you have provided.

“Early last year, my church was attacked by wicked people and the church building was confiscated by the court. Our church is now gathering inside a 40-ton container. We pray now for a new building for our church. We also ask you to participate in prayer and support us in this.

“God bless you all!!!”

» Read full story.

» You may also want to listen to a recent BBC interview with Pakistani Christian Asia Bibi in which she speaks of her captivity and release.

AFRICA: Reading the Bible for the First Time

Source: Frontiers USA, February 24, 2020

“This is so good that I didn’t go to work today,” said my neighbor Amadou. He held up a copy of the book of Genesis in the language of his people. “I’ve been reading it since I woke up this morning. I can’t put it down!”

Then Amadou continued, “Did you know God created the world in six days? Did you know Adam lived to be 930 years old? Did you know Abraham lied to the king because his wife was so beautiful that he was afraid they would kill him?”

We’ve known Amadou and his wife since we moved to their town three and a half years ago. Up until last summer, he spent most of the year 600 miles in the heart of the Sahara where he drove trucks for a mining company.

Family separation is common among Amadou’s people. Many men like him spend long periods of time away from their families because of work.

But the stress of Amadou’s absence took its toll on his wife and two young daughters. So we prayed earnestly that he would come back and find work close to home. Eventually, the company he worked for shut down, and he’s been home for a year now.

Now they’re together again—a rare thing for poor families like theirs. Amadou and his wife spend every day working to survive and provide for their family. They live on less than US$3 a day and still manage to host many guests and relatives in their small home.

We are in their lives every day, and they are in ours.

Pray that God will richly bless this family on every level and that the Bible will come alive to them.

» Full story with prayer points.

SENEGAL: Scripture for the Wolof

Source: Mission Network News, February 11, 2020

In West Africa, a region plagued by military coups and Islamic terrorism, Senegal stands as a pillar of peace and stability.

Some analysts attribute these traits to the widespread influence of Sufi Islam; Muslims comprise 90 to 95 percent of the country’s population. Among the Wolof people, one of Senegal’s largest ethnic groups, that percentage is even higher.

While these factors support stability, they also challenge gospel growth.

“The literature really is the major way of sharing the gospel individually,” Helen Williams of World Missionary Press says about New Testaments and Scripture booklets in widely-used languages.

“[However], one of the things about Senegal—because it is so closely tied to Islam and the Muslim culture—you have to develop relationships with people before they will trust you to accept something,” she explains.

“Much of it has to do with people not wanting to be seen with a Christian.”

» Read full story and watch the Prayercast video on praying for Muslims of West Africa.

» See also a related story about a Senegalese man from a Muslim background who shares the gospel with his own people.