INDIA: Several Killed in Protests over Dalit Protections

Source: Mission Network News, April 16, 2018

For centuries, a group of people in India went by the name “untouchables.” Today, these same people are referred to as Dalits and despite their new title, they continue to face discrimination and worse in Indian society. And it’s all in the name of religion.

In recent nationwide protests led by the Dalits, at least eight people were killed. Streets, buildings, public transportation, and educational institutes were temporarily shut down.

The angry response came after a Supreme Court ruling which Dalits believe leaves them more vulnerable to the abuses of society.

David Curry of Open Doors USA says, “It’s really brought to light, yet again, the challenge that we have in India for human rights, in particular recognizing that each and every individual is of value, and of equal value.

“We’ve seen it before … when we look at the rising persecution of Christians in India. It’s a significant portion of the population—about 65 million people are Christians in India. And yet they’ve seen this incredible rise of persecution.”

» Read full story.

» Also read Converting to Buddhism as a Form of Political Protest (The Atlantic) and Big Brother in India Requires Fingerprint Scans for Food, Phones and Finances (New York Times).

ALGERIA: “Finally, My Father Is Home”

Sources: World Watch Monitor, April 3, 2018

The daughter of Slimane Bouhafs, an Algerian Christian who has spent the last 18 months in prison for insulting Islam and its prophet, has announced her father’s release.

“Finally my father … has been allowed back to us,” his daughter, Tilelli, wrote on her Facebook page on Easter Saturday. “Thank you for your support.”

Algerian newspaper El Watan reported that Tilelli and her mother had been on their way to visit him in prison when he called, saying that he had been released and was about to take a taxi home. Tilelli reportedly told him to wait, after which they picked him up and travelled home together.

“I am filled with joy to be reunited with my family, who have suffered tremendously,” El Watan reported Slimane Bouhafs as saying. “It was too much… I suffered a terrible injustice. I did not hurt anyone, I did not kill anyone. I was deprived of my freedom unfairly.”

He added that he had “seen unbearable things in prison” and thanked people from all over the world for sending him letters of support.

» See full story with picture.

» Readers might also be interested in the story of a Czech missionary imprisoned in Sudan for 14 months, where he reportedly led 40 to Christ (Voice of the Martyrs, via God Reports).

Editor’s note: Many of you may be following the story of Andrew Brunson, a US pastor imprisoned in Turkey for more than a year now whose trial began this week. Let’s pray that he, like these two men, is released.

Grit in Global Purpose | Practical Mobilization

grit in global purposeSeven practical ways grit gets us where we need to go.

By Shane Bennett

Who does this: Who says to a reasonably smart person, “Hey, wanna go live in a really hot, hard place, do really hard work which might not accomplish much in terms of visible results, annoy your kids and parents, and, get this, raise your own salary? Cool, eh?”

And what sort of person replies, “I’m in!”?

In both cases, these are the sorts of people I want to hang out with. I’m guessing they are the kind of people who read Missions Catalyst. And they are the kind of people who have a measure of grit but can always use more.

In a popular TED talk, psychologist Angela Lee Duckworth identifies grit—passion and perseverance for long-term goals—as a key indicator of success in any challenging endeavor. Emotional Intelligence expert Travis Bradberry springboards off her research in an article called 10 habits of mentally strong people and describes the practical facets of grit that help us get where we need to go in life.

“Mental strength… is that unique combination of passion, tenacity, and stamina that enables you to stick with your goals until they become a reality.” —Travis Bradberry

“To increase your mental strength, you simply need to change your outlook,” says Bradberry. “When hard times hit, people with mental strength suffer just as much as everyone else. The difference is that they understand that life’s challenging moments offer valuable lessons. In the end, it’s these tough lessons that build the strength you need to succeed.”

Seven of the habits he encourages are particularly helpful to us in missions, mission mobilization, and other global pursuits. Let’s take a look.

I may be just writing to myself here. You probably excel at many of them already. Run with whatever fits you from this list, because, believe me, I want you to succeed. You’re walking a tough road. We need you to succeed.

And, at the risk of sounding too much like Joel Osteen, I’ll add: God has made you to succeed.

1. You have to fight when you already feel defeated.

There are moments of honesty when, considering it’s been a little over 2000 years since Jesus gave us the Great Commission and that we still have a long way to go, I wonder what the heck is going on. I consider the years I have left, my limited capacity, and the task ahead, and I think, “Not gonna happen, my friend.”

In times of defeat like this, it’s good to have two things: first, a deep sense that it’s God’s gig before it’s yours, and, second, some friends who will remind you of that and push you back into the fight.

2. You have to delay gratification.

You know the marshmallow experiment, right? “Hey, little kid. You can eat this marshmallow now, or wait until I come back and you can have two.” The kids who waited grew up to win spelling bees and start Google.

Mission mobilizers can go for the quick response by describing needs. Or we can hold out for the deep value shift by sharing God’s global purposes. Missionaries may be tempted to forsake their call and go for the raised hand, the prayed prayer or the satisfaction (sometimes) of pastoring people who are already Christian.

Choose to pioneer discipleship movements among unengaged people? That will likely require delayed gratification. If that is your work, may you find enduring grace for the road you walk. Struggling? See item 1.

3. You have to make mistakes, look like an idiot, and try again.

Where I live, the only people who don’t pursue the American dream are the crazies. Maybe people look at you like you’re crazy. In following Jesus, we’ve got to decide we don’t care what most people think of us.

It’s a tricky balance that calls for wisdom and humility. You’ll make bad calls. You could be accused of stuff you didn’t do or assigned motives you don’t possess. Bring it all before God. Repent where appropriate. Then, in his grace, move on.

Of course, if you drop your sweet self into a foreign culture instead of just sticking with your own people, you’re going to look like an idiot. The only way to avoid it is to stay home. Trouble is, if you’re the kind of person who can do the work to get yourself to a different culture, you’re likely not accustomed to looking dumb.

You’re not dumb, generally: You’re just dumb here. In this situation. For a little bit. Avoid it and it lasts forever. Embrace the awkwardness and you can conquer it.

4. You have to keep your emotions in check.

Bradberry says, “While it’s impossible not to feel your emotions, it’s completely under your power to manage them effectively and to keep yourself in control of them.” Paul says, “We take every thought captive and make it a slave to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Fear, anger, and despair are all a part of following Jesus, maybe more so if you’re walking the tough road of advancing God’s kingdom in new places.

Again, a growing understanding of God and the support of others who journey with you are helpful here. I might also recommend a book I’m reading, John Ortberg’s Soul Keeping.

If you feel like you’re about to step off the edge, step back and take some time off. If you think you might be in trouble but aren’t sure, ask your wife, husband, supervisor, or a friend who will shoot straight with you.

You know this, but it bears repeating: God cares more about you than your work.

5. You have to make the calls you’re afraid to make.

Tell a donor, “No, now is not a good time for a visit.” Send a troubled short-termer home early. Launch out into new work when you’d feel more comfortable growing what’s already begun. Call for a fundraising appointment when everything in you wants to email or text, instead.

You know those tough things on your list: Get on them.

Bradberry says, “Every moment spent dreading the task subtracts time and energy from actually getting it done. People that learn to habitually make the tough calls stand out like flamingos in a flock of seagulls.”

6. You have to lead when no one else follows.

Countless heroes of modern missions initially set forth to uncharted territory largely on their own. They had a good role model: When Jesus “set his face toward Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51), no one in the entourage thought it was a good idea. And up until Sunday morning, it looked like they were right.

Mission mobilizers often start building new work in new places amid the chorus of, “There’s so much need right here!” And without doubt, there is need right here. But God calls us forward. And like the priests of Israel, we may find those first few steps in the Jordan pretty scary and lonely.

7. You have to focus on the details even when it makes your mind numb.

I almost left this one off the list. But since I’m mostly writing this to myself anyway, I decided to push it out (see item 5).

I don’t know what’s on your list, but here are some possibilities: Mind the budget, book the Airbnb, write and send in the proposal, keep track of who’s in the pipeline or where people are on their journey to Jesus, send thank-you notes, go to language class and do the homework after, organize the paperwork for your residence permit, remember your anniversary and the kids’ birthdays… These things must be done.

You’ve chosen a challenging road. May God’s grace abound for you, building grit for the long haul. Really, what is our hope without it?

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Respond to this email or post them on our website or Facebook page.

Subversive Mobilization: A Christian Reads The Qur’an

quranLast Ramadan, my friend James Wright read through the Qur’an and wrote down his thoughts and questions for his Muslim friends. Marti mentioned his book about it in our March Resource Reviews.

I want to recommend this book to you. You might find it helpful for your own understanding, but also as a tool to interact with Muslims. Find a short interview with the author in my weekly email, Muslim Connect.

You can get the book in paperback and Kindle (cheap) from Amazon or visit Wright’s website.

GHANA: Feasting on Scripture

GhanaSource: Wycliffe Bible Translators, April 2, 2018

Think about the best meal you’ve ever had and how you felt after.

Now think about how you “eat” God’s Word. It’s so easy to just snack on Scripture, consuming little bites on apps throughout the week.

Explore what it looks like to see the Bible as a feast for your soul and learn about two language communities in Ghana who are hungry for all of God’s Word.

» Read full story with pictures and video. So inspiring. For more nourishment from God’s Word, read The Verse Next Door.

IRAQ: The Peacemaking Barbers of Baghdad

Source: Preemptive Love Coalition, March 30, 2018

These barbers in Baghdad decided their scissors and clippers were perfect peacemaking tools. Most of the barbers are Muslim, but they live close to a refugee camp for Iraqi Christians. The families who live in this camp were displaced by ISIS and many of them suffered tremendously under the extremist group, which brutally targeted religious minorities.

They are low on resources, so spending money on haircuts just isn’t possible for many of them.

Seeing an opportunity to build a bridge between often estranged communities, these barbers decided to take a step toward their Christian neighbors and help them out. Once a month, they show up at the camp and give free haircuts to whoever needs one. They chat, laugh, build relationships, and through that process, they help these families heal.

Each snip of their scissors and buzz from their clippers tells these Christian families that they are welcome and wanted in Iraq. That their Muslim neighbors are for them and want them to thrive.

If these barbers in Baghdad can figure out how to make peace with their clippers and scissors, surely the rest of us can figure out how to make peace with what we’ve got.

» Read full story and other articles in the Peacemaking Fridays series.

» Here’s an interesting video/story about reaching out to refugees in America: From War to Montana (Starbucks).

TURKEY: Churches Come Together to Publish Landmark Book

Source: World Watch Monitor, March 28, 2018

A joint commission of Turkey’s major Christian denominations has published a historic book of concise Christian doctrine, receiving the unprecedented endorsement of all the nation’s Orthodox, Catholic, Armenian, Syriac, and Protestant Churches.

According to Armenian Bishop Sahak Masalyan, keynote speaker at the formal book launch in Istanbul of the English edition on February 3, the “most spectacular aspect” of the book is in fact its first page of endorsements, which he declared “akin to a miracle.” “[This book] expresses the shared beliefs of the Churches in Turkey. We approve its publication and recommend that it be widely read,” the statement says.

Undersigned are the ecclesiastical leaders of all mainstream branches of the Christian faith in Turkey: the Orthodox Patriarch, Armenian Archbishop, Syriac Metropolitan, Chairman of the Catholic Bishops, and the church leader chairing the Association of Protestant Churches.

“For Churches that have ostracized each other for centuries, leaving a legacy of deep divisions and resentments,” the back cover explains, “to sign their names to such a work is no small step toward Christian unity.”

» Read full story.

» Related to Orthodox theology and missions check out Orthodox Theology for India (Marge Network).

INDIA: Worship Halted by Hindu Mob

Source: World Watch Monitor, March 29, 2018

Like every month, Pastor Jose Prakash sent invitations for the prayer and fasting to be conducted at Fatehpur Central prayer hall. “At least 550 people accepted the invitation and joined in worship and the Bible-study sessions that followed,” he said.

Around 20 Hindu extremists in saffron-colored clothes barged inside a church in eastern India’s Uttar Pradesh state [March 28], violently assaulting the pastor and two church members.

“On the insistence of brother pastors, I had submitted a complaint letter at the local police station just to inform the police about the incident, but after coming back home yesterday night, I went on my knees in prayer and the Holy Spirit prompted me that I should not register a case against the 20 young men.

“I reasoned it with God, and I see two reasons—one that they are ignorant, and have no knowledge of what they have done; two, that they do not know the Lord, and his works. They are just young men in their twenties, who were instigated to take up violence.

“I urged the church and brethren pastors, if it pains them, please cry out to the Lord for the salvation of the 20 men.”

» Read full story.

» Also read Hindus are Tired of Being Born Again (International Mission Board) and Resurrection vs. Raising (short piece by Justin Long).

ETHIOPIA: Ready to Die for the Sake of the Gospel

Source: God Reports, March 30, 2018

Erik Laursen, founder of New Covenant Missions recently traveled to Ethiopia, where he met with a pastor who has been targeting an Islamic city of 30,000 people that had no Christian churches and is considered the khat-dealing hub of Africa. Khat is a plant native to the Horn of Africa that contains an amphetamine-like stimulant. Chewing the leaves of the plant is a custom going back thousands of years.

When they first started doing evangelism campaigns they would go early in the mornings before people were high on khat or drunk on the local alcohol, the pastor told Laursen. Since then, they planted the only church in the area, and have been holding two services every week. Ten new believers will be baptized soon.

“What is your vision for this area?” Laursen asked the pastor.

“We have many young adults that are ready to go (spread the Good News), and we are all ready to die for the sake of the gospel!” he said.

» Read full story.

» See also Enemy to Brother, the story of a young man groomed for jihad who came to Jesus (Arab World Media).