AZERBAIJAN: “A Full-Scale War Has Begun”

Source: Open Doors, October 31, 2020.

The violence that erupted in late September has continued and intensified between the two countries with multiple failed ceasefires. “A full-scale war has begun in the region,” reports an Open Doors representative for Central Asia.

“Almost every day several soldiers are killed, Yesterday more than 20 people were killed and 70 injured only from one district. Internet is completely blocked in the country. People can’t connect with anybody, can’t ask for help, can’t report what occurs now.

“All men under 55 in Azerbaijan are not allowed to leave the country, to make sure the army can be quickly mobilized. Young men have already been drafted to fight. We know of at least three believers from one church in Azerbaijan who are on the frontlines.

“The internet is completely blocked in Azerbaijan, and the authorities are not releasing information about victims. “It is prohibited to even mention or ask how many have been killed. Mass media offers no such information and they have no permission to speak about it. Only calls to ‘defend national interests’ are proclaimed from the screens and newspapers to motivate people to go to the war.

“Churches are distributing food to people in need near the front line. Two days ago, a group of believers delivering food missed being hit by a bomb by only 20 minutes. Though it’s very dangerous to serve in this way, churches said that it is also a good opportunity to share the gospel with people near the fighting.

“On the Armenian side, the situation is very similar—believers are fighting in the conflict. While politicians are arguing, civilians are suffering and dying. There are already many refugees from the districts close to the front lines. The situation is very bad and doesn’t show any signs of improving.”

» Full story includes five ways to pray.

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