MIDDLE EAST: An Unscheduled Appointment

Source: Arab World Media, June 30, 2017

[Soon after he gave his life to Jesus,] Abdul moved to a new part of the country and began working at a bus station. One day, he helped a family find their way. They came to thank him and asked if he was a Christian. Abdul replied, “Yes.”

The family were thrilled that they had met an evangelical Christian. They told Abdul that they were Orthodox Christians who had been praying to know the Christian faith better and be rooted in the Bible. They had been watching a well-known Christian TV channel, but the priest at their church had told them it was a bad, evangelical TV channel.

The family had prayed that God would send them someone from the evangelical church to tell them about the Christian faith. It seems he chose to use an unlikely individual—a new believer from a Muslim background. They asked Abdul if he would be willing to help them. Of course, Abdul said yes! They have since formed a group and have been studying Genesis.

Praise God for the wonderful way in which he moves, bringing people together at just the right time. Lift up this small group as they delve into the Word together. May they encourage and strengthen one another, and may they see their numbers increase as God continues to use them.

» Read full story. Praise God for 52 people who gave their lives to Christ in conversations with AWM responders during Ramadan and pray for efforts to share the gospel with Arab Muslims vacationing in Europe.

» See also Invisible Atheists: The Spread of Disbelief in the Arab World (New Republic).

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